Any LinMB users?!? Attack/Release for metal/hard music...?


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Just curious if any of you guys care to share your secrets for LinMB.

A friend of mine works for Long and Mcquade here in Canada, and he was demoing me the software on a rough mix I showed him. We went over some basic and I was really impressed with how it helped shape the .WAV I brought in on a USB stick. I found a nice balance!

However, for the attack and release, Im not too sure what works for upbeat fast music. Truthfully, my ears werent able to distinguish much in the store mixing room, and I wasnt able to use headphones. Im gonna go back tomorrow night, but Id like to know what some of y'all recommend for attack/release when mastering a metal track?!?.

thanks for any advice/suggestions
I used to use LinMB and I switched to using T-Racks for mastering. While LinMB is more flexible T-Racks is simpler to use and less is more (IMO) in this case.

Disclaimer: I'm not a professional mastering engineer.
everything varies. even from song to song from the same band. faster and more dense songs should use fast attack and releases. if the song is a bit more mid-tempo or sludgy, ease up just a LITTLE. the threshold level will also play a major factor here. there's never a one setting fits all for mastering songs, so just spend some meticulous time with each song to find what suits best per scenario. trust your ears and listen to your mix on many different consumer grade speakers.