Snare Attack Release Times


Dec 1, 2006
What do you guys usually set your snare attack and release too? i find my snare sounds like im hitting a stone after mastering.

listen to this for example :

comments? for this new project im using a waves ssl comp on the snare group with way cool results. but im still worried my snare will suffer the same result. i want it to sound more natural. i use dfhs. no samples blended in.
when setting attack times on drums, i always start by setting it 100% as late as possible, then backing off until it sounds "right" - this lets the initial transient pass through untouched, then smashes the tail end of the signal.

for the release, i do the opposite - i start with the release set to the lowest time possible, then increase it until i find the compressor affecting the signal for the amount of time that i need it to be
when setting attack times on drums, i always start by setting it 100% as late as possible, then backing off until it sounds "right" - this lets the initial transient pass through untouched, then smashes the tail end of the signal.

for the release, i do the opposite - i start with the release set to the lowest time possible, then increase it until i find the compressor affecting the signal for the amount of time that i need it to be

lots of attack , little release
yeah i usually go slow attack quick release too. i use about 30 - 40 ms attack..and a 50 - 120 ms release kinda deal..fairly low threshold..- 15 onwards..and then say a 4:1 upwards.

and yeah jeff..all dfhs :)
I often end up with attack 25-35ms release as short as possible (like 5ms or so) or so that it grooves (depending on the song)..never longer than the distance between 2 fast hits though.......usually shorter than the attack..
you guys do these same ratio for top and bottom snare mics??

not usually

i have a tendency to compress the bottom mic a bit harder than the top...both in terms of the ratio, and attack/release
I often end up with attack 25-35ms release as short as possible (like 5ms or so) or so that it grooves (depending on the song)..never longer than the distance between 2 fast hits though.......usually shorter than the attack..

That´s new to me... I´ve always been told that the release should be longer than the attack. Fuck me. Anyway your attack/release times make sense for the faster stuff. Tried your settings and it sounded good :)
would you mind sharing your EQ+Comp settings on your DFHS?

sounds pretty good to me.

16ms Attack, 10-50ms release, depending on how much PSSHHHHHH you want LOL...