Any Meshuggah fans in the house?


My god,it's full of stars
Feb 19, 2003
Palatine, IL
Ok, so after taking Larry's advice, I bought the new Meshuggah album obZen. This albums rocks, I like it a lot more than Catch Thirty Three and the I album. Meshuggah put together this drum contest for anybody who thinks they can play the song Bleed at the same level as their drummer does. This song Bleed has some crazy ass triplets and machine gun riffs that have to be the fastest I've ever heard. You can do a search on you tube for most of these contest videos. There's some really good drummers out there, I saw one video that had this 16 year old kid playing along to Bleed, and man this kid was amazing.
A few years back, I saw Strapping Young Lad and Meshuggah at the Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY. It was the final gig of their tour together so Jens&co. decided to play a little prank on SYL. In the middle of a song, some paper plates or some such started flying. Everybody laughed a tiny bit. Then Meshuggah takes the stage and midway into a song, Dev comes out with a bucket and a newspaper then sits down and mimes taking a crap... just before the toilet paper rolls start flying out from behindthe drummer. Things progressed to the point where SYL+Crew were on stage TPing Meshuggah like the band was the teacher's house on Halloween.
Let me tell you it realyl enahnced my respect for them as musicians when one of the guitarists got mummified in TP and still hit every note. Plus... Jens might not have the biggest vocal range but he doesn't let up no matter how scratchy a Toilet Paper Turban gets on his bald head!
I seem to be an oddball when it comes to Meshuggah fans, because I greatly prefer the early stuff, especially Contradictions Collapse. I also loved None and Destroy Erase Improve. Chaosphere got a bit too chaotic for me, yeah it was crazy tech and all but started to lose some of the "hook". Nothing and Catch 33 left me pretty cold. Again yeah I can appreciate the difficulty it takes to compose and perform it but those cds just didn't grab me at all, they grated on my nerves instead lol I thought the I ep was a bit more refreshing, and I definitely like ObZen more than anything they've done in years.

And I fucking HATE when people say, "Oh they were trying to sound like Metallica on Contradictions Collapse"......what in the fuck are you people talking about?? LOL Yes there's some influence there but if Metallica ever played like that, then I missed out on that period mysteriously! I bought that album back around 1992, on vinyl no less (still got it too) and it blew me away, it was hooky thrash but so crazy technical, with very aggressive vocals, it was really new for it's time and made a big impression on me. I can remember going to Metalfest and always asking the different dealers about Meshuggah stuff, most of them never heard of 'em. It wasn't until around 1997 that people really started to spread the word.
Ok, so after taking Larry's advice, I bought the new Meshuggah album obZen. This albums rocks, I like it a lot more than Catch Thirty Three and the I album. Meshuggah put together this drum contest for anybody who thinks they can play the song Bleed at the same level as their drummer does. This song Bleed has some crazy ass triplets and machine gun riffs that have to be the fastest I've ever heard. You can do a search on you tube for most of these contest videos. There's some really good drummers out there, I saw one video that had this 16 year old kid playing along to Bleed, and man this kid was amazing.

Do you mean this?

ObZen is a ridiculous album, I like it a lot. But, I prefer DEI. That album just floored me. Thordendal since DEI has been one of my favorite guitarists. The "jazz" influence is phenominal, or as some I've heard say, the "Holdsworth" influence. "Acrid Placidity" from DEI is one of my favorite Meshuggah tunes. For me personally, I've always heard a King Crimson influence as well, especially on ObZen.
I seem to be an oddball when it comes to Meshuggah fans, because I greatly prefer the early stuff, especially Contradictions Collapse. I also loved None and Destroy Erase Improve. Chaosphere got a bit too chaotic for me, yeah it was crazy tech and all but started to lose some of the "hook". Nothing and Catch 33 left me pretty cold. Again yeah I can appreciate the difficulty it takes to compose and perform it but those cds just didn't grab me at all, they grated on my nerves instead lol I thought the I ep was a bit more refreshing, and I definitely like ObZen more than anything they've done in years.

I could not agree more! Contradictions Collapse and Destroy Erase Improve absolutely slay anything the band has released as of late. The technical performances and arrangements have their moments, but as a whole, quickly fade from the listener's memory. This is really, really unfortunate, because their earlier material absolutely crushed balls while being much more memorable. These days, if I am in the mood for some technical ass-kickery, I reach for some Zero Hour. Those boys have the perfect understanding of how to blend the technical with the memorable.