Any news on the new Nevermore album?

Wallet Boy

Sep 7, 2001
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Us Nevermore fans have been starved of updates since around October I believe. Is Andy producing the album this time around? What stage is it in. Last I heard, the album was shooting for a February release but I'm guessing it got pushed back. Any word would be great, thanks! update has been necessary for a long while now. My guess is that the album won't see the light of day until June/July 2003.

Well I spoke with the band and it looks like they are tracking it with Kelly Gray (I think it's Gray....the chap who was in Queensryche for a while) in Seattle. I may be mixing it, I may not, all depends what they want to do, it's not that either party wanted to do it differently this time around, just due to schedules clashing and the label keeping the budget low due to it being their last one on Century Media.
Originally posted by Andy Sneap
Well I spoke with the band and it looks like they are tracking it with Kelly Gray (I think it's Gray....the chap who was in Queensryche for a while) in Seattle. I may be mixing it, I may not, all depends what they want to do, it's not that either party wanted to do it differently this time around, just due to schedules clashing and the label keeping the budget low due to it being their last one on Century Media.

Cool, thanks for the update man. Personally I am glad that they are (hopefully) leaving Century Media. The label has done absolutely squat for them in the past few years. Nevermore is easily one of the best bands, if not the best band, on their label and they fail to promote them. Anyway, thanks again for the update, and continued success in all of your projects.

Hey, thanks for your response. Hopefully, you'll get to be involved in some way...the albums I own that you worked on have been killer. Which reminds me, Masterplan came out today, I need to order that.