Andy, drums on the new Nevermore


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
Andy, if my memory serves me, at the Underworld gig you mentioned that the drums on the new Nevermore tracks were all natural (no samples). Did this stay the case throughout the rest of the album, or in the final mix was re-enforcement needed?

Also, do you remember the starstruck journalist?
couple of the slower tracks are natural, Sentiant 6 for instance. Used the DW24" with a yamaha sub kick which added some great depth, but not the sort of thing you could use on fast stuff.

Starstruck Journalist, yeah he was a blast, the german Priest fan right???
yeah, i remember that as well.. the scene went down like this:

Andy, me and Razorjack are standing in a group by the bar having a chat and a sip when i felt someone tap me on the shoulder from behind. we all turn to see a very tall, rotund man sporting a skullet and a jean vest laden with Judas Priesnt patches. As i turn to face him he excitedly starts pointing at the breastprint emblem on my shirt... a Telefunken Microphones shirt that has the same logo larger on the backside... and as he frantically gesured his mouth produced a high pitched german accent...

priest fan: "do you know what this is?, do you know what this is?"
me: "you mean my shirt?"
priest fan (still in a very excited state): "yes, do you know what it is?'s a German company!!!"
me: "yes,i do.. they make microphones, i record bands and they gave me one of shirts at the NAMM convention"
priest fan (slightly calmer): "ahhh, ok... wait, do i know you from somewhere?"
me: maybe, depends on what bands you listen to i guess.. i've played on a bunch of records and i also record and mix them... in fact so does the guy to your right there, Andy Sneap."

at this point the dim interest priest fan had in talking to me faded immediately as he turned to his right faster than i've ever seen someone that large move...

priest fan (so excited that his voice reached ear piercing highs): "YOU'RE ANDY SNEAP?"
andy: "yeah, how ya doin?"
priest fan: "YOU'RE ANDY SNEAP??!!"
andy: "yes i am, and this guy here (andy points to me) is James Murphy from Testament and Obituary"

with that i thought i would then be bombarded with "YOU'RE JAMES MURPHY??!!".... nope, lol.... the priest fan turned towards me for about a quarter of a second and immediately spun back around to Andy and once again blurts: "YOU'RE ANDY SNEAP??!!"

ohhh man .... razorjack was having a great laugh watching all this, but so were me and Andy... i WISH i'd had my video cam rolling. C'est la vie, eh?
Wow, if I'd been you, I'd have felt so god damn excluded then, I'd probably grab him by the shoulders...

''...I'm James... James Murphy...''

Him: ...yeah, nice to meet you... YOURE ANDY SNEAP!?!?

''Hey man, I'm James fucking Murphy, savvy...!?

:D :D

On a more serious note, yeah, Andy should better be proud, because that's one hell of a fan you've met there :D
let me clarify.. i case there's any confusion... i was afraid that was going to happen.. not hoping for it.. lol... jerkies

it would have funnier if i would have just said, "I'm Rick James, bitch!!"

Dave Chappel rules... :tickled:
James Murphy said:
let me clarify.. i case there's any confusion... i was afraid that was going to happen.. not hoping for it.. lol... jerkies

it would have funnier if i would have just said, "I'm Rick James, bitch!!"

Dave Chappel rules... :tickled:

dave chappelle is the man! i hurt from laughing after every episode. sucks they arent going to do season three.