Any Norwegians around...

Roughly translated:

"The sun went to the east and the moon went to the west
you will get there late or never.
Until the end of the world shall it last."

I'd wager that the title comes from the fairy-tale with the same name. A pretty typical narrative in norwegian story-telling involving magical animals, trolls and princes.
Check out the thread "Ulvsblakk translation?" in this forum. You'll find that the whole of Kveldssanger is more or less transcribed and translated.
Yes, yes, I know, I even wrote "daisyboy: IMMENSE thanks for the "Östenför sol..." transcription. My band is considering covering that song so the lyrics (which sound correct to me) help a lot." there in October sometime :p Thanks again!
Ooops. Sorry about that one, Erik. Didn't notice the old date of the original post. Hadn't seen this thread before, and I assumed it was a new thread. Kind of wondered why you asked about the lyrics AGAIN :-)