Any offers for a ENGL Powerball, Firepod, or TS7?


Captain Insano
Feb 16, 2009
US of A
My studio-partner has an ENGL Powerball that he's been looking to sell or trade. From what I gather it's worth about $1,500-2,000 in USD.

He also has a Firepod which doesn't get a lot of use in our set up (I'd like to liquidate it for something with lightpipe).

Make some offers that I can relay to him and see if he'd want to take you up on them. We're located in Eastern Pennsylvania in the US.

Also I have an extra TS7 tubescreamer. Offers on that can get an immediate response. Thanks!
uuh TS7, but shipping costs would be too high hehe, but I can't see anyone here buying a powerball lol :p

I haven't shipped internationally in years, but if I recall the flat rate shipping isn't too bad, but it takes a little while.
As for the ENGL...neither can I, but hey, before it hits ebay, might as well try the open market. Maybe I should say something that will add value to it? Howbout if I said Andy used it as a door stop once?
Int'l shipping is cheap as shit for a small package like a TS7, just box it up and bring it to your local post office, I'd be amazed if it was more than $20!