Any Omnium Gatherum fans?


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Nov 25, 2005
Eureka, CA
For whatever reason I could imagine a lot of Katatonia fans could like this band a lot if you don't already listen to them. I don't read much praise about them on here (UM) or anywhere else really, but perhaps I haven't dug deep enough; who knows? I haven't heard the new album except for the song on their myspace, which I wasn't overly-impressed with. But I think Years In Waste and Spirits and August Light are incredible albums. Anyone else in agreeance(sp)?
I have both their albums..their oldest songs are the best...Can't really say that I'm going to buy their next one, but you never know
This band is bad and their first screamer guy is one of the worst screamers of all time.
Why should you tolerate bad vocals when there are plenty of good bands with good vocals?