Any other P.A.I.N. fans here.......

Peter is a genius. :worship:
Hypocrisy, Pain, Bloodbath.......he's Mozart of Metal.
Best Pain-gig I was: The "Heavy New Year Party", 2 (or 3?) years ago.
Best new year's eve ever!
Major deal? Why not!? Pain isn't really extreme. Some call it "Dance-Metal".
So with Pain he has the chance to sell many records.
I'm ok with it, as long as his other (much harder) bands/project live on.
I like Tägtgren but Pain is the one project I can´t get into, a bit too cheesy but some of his videos are great like "Just hate me" with the little robot.

His videos rule, and the two chicks playing bass & guitar rule!
They sound much more heavier live than on cd.
Watch the videos:

New Year's Eve 2004, after the gig we all had a big party, Peter was the DJ (together with members of ToT and Tiamat):

And here's oneof the guitarists, they ROCK! :headbang:

:kickass:I'll never forget this night!
Peter writes the tunes and playes every instrument on the CDs, and records and mixes everything in his own studio. The band is just for touring.