Any plumbers out there?


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I have a serious problem with my kitchen sink. At first I thought it was my dishwasher backing up, but after I looked further I now know the drain pipe in the wall is clogged or some shit, but this nasty black water keeps continuously filling up my sink and dishwasher and it's making my apartment smell like hell. Remember that dead mouse thread I made a while ago? Turns out it's the goddamn water backing up into the dishwasher, and consequently, MY FLOOR. Every 8 hours. kitchen is flooded. Have to sweep the water out with a broom.

I'm beyond livid at this point because the apartment company transferred ownership of the complex TWO DAYS AGO. And never notified me as to whom to bitch at to get this shit fixed. Or pay my rent to, for that matter. I'm at a standstill and my kitchen keeps fucking flooding with this black nasty water shit and I'm about to call the city and raise a goddamn hell. Sanitary conditions and what have you.

Can anyone help me with advice, or how do plumbing? I'm raging out right now and I need a shower.
Is it flooding when you run water, or only when you run your dishwasher? Is the dishwasher one that attaches to the tap (portable)?

Need more info. I can only guess that it's drain pipe backup or a leak in that area since it's shitty water, but I couldn't say for certain without seeing it myself.

But all that aside, I would figure out who the fuck is supposed to take care of this shit for you and get there fucking ass in there to fix it like NAOW.
i'd almost guarantee that the main drain pipe running out of your place is clogged, and thus is backing up and causing the flooding

if you're lucky, the only fix necessary would be to call roto-rooter or someone to snake out the pipe...usually costs around $200. i would pay for the fix out-of-pocket, then deduct the amount from rent and give a copy of the receipt to your new landlord.
Dudes, this just got shitty. I was taking a nap and heard RUSHING water from the sink. My neighbors dishwater runoff just backed up all over my kitchen again. I haven't touched my sink since all this began, but more water has been coming up than you can believe. Now my house smells like my mexican neighbors dirty dishes and former masterpiece of enchilada and tortilla soup.

I am soooo pissed.