Any ProtoNews?


Oct 5, 2012
Paris, France
Hey guys! Was just wondering if you have any news, how many songs you have done so far, when you plan to record things, and so on... It's been 4 years since last album, it's about time to reveal something about your next masterpiece. :)

This morning I just treated myself to Dead of Jericho, Relativity, Synthespian, Heart Machine and Inceptum/Catalyst and just felt I really need more greatness in my life ASAP!
Vince and I talked a couple of weeks ago about the new album. We already have a couple of songs written at this point. We just need to find some time after the new year to get back to work on it. :)
Yes! Take your time, and do something great. And take some more videos like the one with Neil Kernon that Vince put on youtube many years ago. That's golden. I'm very looking forward to the next album.