Any Reaper Gurus in here? Urgent help needed

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Soooooooooooo. I'm mixing and editing a bands full length from overseas. Unfortunately, the tempo map they sent me is all retarded. Like, the tempo changes mid beat (although it sounds completely fine) and then everything is off the grid. Is there any way to set Reaper to start a new bar on the grid after every tempo change? I included this pic for reference

Hmm, can you insert a new Time Sig marker either before or on the bar line and set it to like 1/4 or something? I've done something similar when I have, for example, a bar that is 4/4 then the next bar is 5/4 or something.
If I remember right, you can place a new time signature/tempo change marker anywhere, and when you do it will start a new bar from there by default. I'll double check on this when I get home to my DAW computer, but I'm pretty sure that would take care of your issue.
I probably should have mentioned that there is a time signature marker at that exact spot right now. But instead of starting a new measure, it continues until the old one is finished. I'm not sure if there is an option in preferences for this. This was from a imported tempo map in logic to reaper. I'm going to try manually inputting each tempo marker and see if it changes it
What is the benefit of viewing the Master track along with temp map in the track window?

I always just use markers and keep the Master out of the track window because I like more visual space.
I actually don't use the master track for tempo mapping. I keep it there because my mix window is on my other monitor, so it is convenient if I need to go into plugins or automate the master track volume/effects etc
Okay, I think I figured it out. Normally when you slide a time signature/tempo change marker around it changes the tempo of the previous marker so that the new marker always begins at the end of the final measure of the previous one, as you've said. If you right click on the time sig/tempo change marker and click edit, there's an option to "allow a partial measure before this marker." Click that and you will be able to freely slide the new marker around to begin at whatever point you wish, without changing the tempo of the previous marker. You'll also need to have snapping disabled to freely move the marker around.

I took some screenshots, but can't figure out how to post them!
looking at your screenshot, it looks like the audio file has the "note" of the tempo change, but you have no time signature marker for that in Reaper, because your grid keeps at the same tempo.

Anyways, what mharwood said should solve your problem. Next time make sure they give you a midi file with the embedded tempo map, it should import with 0 problems, cause what I seem to get is that they gave you audio files but not the midi tempo map. I may be wrong, but it's what it looks like to me.
You gotta insert tempo change marker in the exact grid line where it says 107 in the file. Adjust it to 107 and it will make the next file marker to fit.

Basically go to every wav-embedded marker and press Shift+C then enter the tempo described, because Reaper won't import tempo markers from WAV files.
I should have included more info on this. There is a tempo map that was imported, and the tempo changes happen exactly on the same point as where the .wav files describe (except on the 170 part in the screenshot, I was just fiddling around with stuff before I took it). The songs sound fine and the transitions in tempo sound perfect, but somehow whoever programmed the drums programmed the tempo changes to happen in the middle of a beat. I don't understand it. Regardless, what mharwood suggested works perfectly. Thanks guys!