Any replies from our beloved Scott

During the whole terrorist scare and the "Adequacy" bullshit, I sent Scott an email saying not to give in to public pressure and just be Anthrax as they always have been.

A day later I got a reply saying "Thanks, we're trying".

Okay, so he didn't reply with an essay, but it was cool to get a reply nevertheless, as I certainly wasn't expecting it.
About August last year I e-mailed Scott basically asked if Anthrax ever planned to come back to Britain, His reponce (within three days was ) Yeah we promise, Peace...
Again not a 4 page essay but something to forward to half my mailbox.....(you dont get Mustain or Hetfield doin this kinda thing).
yeah a while back he sent an email, the same response to everyone as he was so busy and had bout 500 emails.

the cool thing for me was that he said they would definately be touring australia as they get the most emails requesting a tour so that was pretty cool

just feel sorry for us aussies people, they didnt even tour here for sown or volume 8

ps the tour for stomp blew everyone away
I am sure Scott reads his e-mail. He just isn't able to reply all the time. He used to reply to me everytime I e-mailed him, but lately he hasn't.
Try e-mailing him again if you want to tell him something, or ask him something. I'm sure he'll at least read it.
the best thing to do is be short and sweet. don't ask personal questions and be origional. that way he's not answering the same damn questions over and over. plus he sorta replies in his alpha mail.
I mailed him the night I goty back from Maximum Rock and told him how much I enjoyed it despite the fact that they played 35 minutes and the venue sucked... well and the T-shirts where over priced. He agreed about the venue and said they had to sell the shirts for the same price as motley spew.
at the show,We were hangimg out wityh the guys and they were passing out stickers and the security booted them for passing out stickers. 10 minutes later they were back and one of them was yelling to us how the mounty followed all the way to thier van and how he called the office and talked to who was in charge and told them how they where with the bands and had paperwork to prove it. He was telling us he was gonna sue. Unfortunately he didn't. I was hopeing he would so the place would have to shut down and maybe some badass metal heads would buy it.

That's some pretty good replies considering what jockthrax said about Mustaine and Hetfield not bothering about e-mails from fans. Yeah they couldn't really care less. But they have way more fans I believe and they probably get too much mail to possibly reply to anyway. How much do you guys think Scott gets in his e-mail bag like every month. I always wondered how much he gets on average. Brentney can you help me out here?