Any song ideas in the works, PQ?


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
I know 2012 is going to be a (relatively) quiet year for PQ, but I'm wondering if any of the guys have any song ideas floating around and if they've discussed the direction of the band's sound. Blood Alliance seemed to be the band's biggest hit yet with the metal/rock audience and all the songs seem to kill live. Still play the hell out of that album, each song is a classic! :headbang:
Both to emphasise a point and to play lickspittle fanboi :p - it is really phenomenal and almost unheard of that PQ bounced back as hard as they did. To go from teetering on the edge to kicking ass with an instant classic is a staggering comeback. Not only that, to follow up with extensive touring and securing spots along side distinguished metal names...just wow!

Long may all this energy and enthusiasm and acclaim continue! PQ never fails to live up to their mantra...
Cheers guys! As always......your words of support fire us along :)

I'm just starting to pull some ideas together at the moment. Been a bit tougher than usual as I'm working away from home and don't get anywhere near as much time right now as I would like. I was at the studio with Rich last night and we were discussing writing sessions and we hope to start in May/June time.

No album title or concept nailed on as yet......I usually find that once one of those 2 things are decided then the floodgates open so to speak.

We are working on some more shows for later this year as well......nothing announceable just yet but as soon as I have any confirmation then you will be the first to know of course.