Any Sopranos junkies here?

The Sopranos is a great show.

Tony Soprano looks exactly like my dad, they even drove the same SUV at one time. :tickled:

Many things remind me of my own family on that show......except for all the " whacking "
Being italian all the non italians come in the next day and ask me what all the this stuff meant or that.
" hey Dan, what is SCHADOL soup? "
" umm, thats escarol ( spelling ? ) soup "
" What the hell was that Gabbagool stuff he was eating? "
"thats Cappicola "


you know dumb stuff like that.
DreamNeonBlack said:
The Sopranos is a great show.

Tony Soprano looks exactly like my dad, they even drove the same SUV at one time. :tickled:

Many things remind me of my own family on that show......except for all the " whacking "
Being italian all the non italians come in the next day and ask me what all the this stuff meant or that.
" hey Dan, what is SCHADOL soup? "
" umm, thats escarol ( spelling ? ) soup "
" What the hell was that Gabbagool stuff he was eating? "
"thats Cappicola "


you know dumb stuff like that.
The Sopranos cookbook uses those 'slang' too. Spaghetti Sauce is
called "Sunday Gravy" and Pizza is 'Ah Beetz" it's pretty cool. I love
Cappicola so it's obvious to me that when he says Gabbagool and he's
holding a deli package wrapped in butcher paper, he's talking about Capicolla.
I've actually cooked from the Sopranos cookbook, the food is quite good.

Have a Nice Day,
ms. anthrope said:
carmella finally cracked over tony's cheating. it might focus more on his "blood family," rather than the other "family."

I hope they don't go too far, otherwise that's like making Hannibal
Lechter a vegetarian....
