Any tips for this current song (LePou, S2.0 content, vox)


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Temporary name :)

Just curious if anyone has any suggestions on the mix so far. I only have the first half recorded for vocals, the rest are being tracked.

I do EVERYTHING, so its a slow and long process. All guitars, drum recording/programming/singing. (the singing is my largest challenge)

Anyhow, any tips on makign the mix better are greatly appreciated. Its still far from done!
thanks. By default I always use that "sneap" tip for using a multiband compressor for notching out the muddy areas on the guitar. In this case, it might be detracting!

Guitars Are LePou 456 with Lecab. I freakin love this plugin!

Drums = Superior 2

bass = ampeg SVX played thru my musicman sterling.

Im still learning, lots to go yet
Dude, I like the vibe of your song, but turn up the guitars is what I'd say. But, then again it sounds like you are aware of the stereo spread, so you probably considered double tracking rhythm guitars. Clean mix though