Any tips from improve this mix......(hardcore)

IMO the kick sticks out a little too much, as well as the vocals. Compress the vox a little more and try bringing the kick down slightly. I think it sounds pretty nice overall though dude. Info on the process? Guitars, drums etc
Drums are real, replaced kick and snare with drumagog and blended 60%. eq, comp in every channel and routed to a bus and parallel com in a 2nd buss.
Bass, a lot of comp, eq, dist, etc....
Guitars are engl poweerball with recabinet impulses, 2 tracks hard panned and routed to a bus, eq hp/lp and c4 and a de-esser
Vocals recorded with a sm57 and eq and comp.

Any tips for pull the guitars a bit?
Definitely bring the kick down, bring the snare up a little bit, maybe. Possibly bring the low to low-mids up on the guitars and raise the volume on them, and compress the vox a bit. Sounds great for a start.