any tips on programing drums?


May 26, 2009
im trying to write better drums to record with and need some tips on making beats, i was using guitar pro 5 to write them out and then export the midi to cubase and run it through ezdrummer, but i was trying to use ezdrummer in fruity loops to play the drums live and record it piece by piece.

my main thing is, when writing drum parts how do you guys go about it?

how can i write double bass better? cause i can play drums irl, i just cant get them to sound how i want them when programing, for a basic double bass do you do like 1 bass kick a 16th? then the next a 8th note? hopfully this makes sense​
im trying to write better drums to record with and need some tips on making beats, i was using guitar pro 5 to write them out and then export the midi to cubase and run it through ezdrummer, but i was trying to use ezdrummer in fruity loops to play the drums live and record it piece by piece.

my main thing is, when writing drum parts how do you guys go about it?

how can i write double bass better? cause i can play drums irl, i just cant get them to sound how i want them when programing, for a basic double bass do you do like 1 bass kick a 16th? then the next a 8th note? hopfully this makes sense​

:yow: unbold, uncenter, read the forum, there's a million posts on kick triggering and midi