Any tips on Slayer's Christ Illusion?


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
Just checked out this album - and it rocks - i really dig the sound

anyone has any tips on this recording? guitars? bass? drums? who's producer/mixer? etc...
for drums: Dave Lombardo. You're NOT getting a sound even close without that fucking lunatic beating the shit out of the drums.

guitars sound like the good ol' jcm800 with the "slayer boost". fuckloads of middle.
Josh Abraham did produce the record. Rubin was just "Executive Producer", which means he hasn't done anything other than listening to the mixes in progression and giving his thumbs up or down. The band, foremost Kerry King, was pretty pissed about Rubin's lack of attention, especially since Rubin choose to dedicate his time to Metallica.

That being said, I liked Matt Hyde's production on "God Hates Us All" better.
Rubin never touches a mixing desk. He isn't a "hands on" producer.

Even if he was hands-on, he surely wouldn't admit to producing that. :puke:
Worst Slayer sound ever. Where's the Gain on the amp? Their Live sound was better on the tour, but I think I am over the Marshall sound.
Erm, find what you think will sound good and then do the exact opposite.

It sounds like they didn't even bother distorting the amp because an overdrive pedal sounded brutal enough... except for needing more mids, which they fixed by setting bass and treble to -3.

well...i like the sound they got on CI. GHUA was heavier, but then again CI is way more old-school musically as opposed to GHUA being almost modern in character, so the low-gain CI production is definitely fitting. imho.
besides, except for reign in blood and everything from diabolus in musica onwards pretty much every slayer record sound like shit. even show no mercy sounded better than most of the stuff they've done after that. hell awaits sounds awful (ok, that was like what, 85? so who cares...even though metallica RTL kicks the shit out of HA regarding sound), and as for the all-mids comment, have you guys ever listened to seasons or south of heaven??? now THAT's all mids. CI is almost scooped sounding in comparison...that, and the music is better. imho.
Speaking of which - there is a vocal effect on "Jihad" at about 2:48. Anyone know how to get something similar to that? Dimmu Borgir does something every now and then to achieve a similar effect as well. Is it just a filter, or some kind of "A.M. Radio" style setting you think?
it looks like just a distortion with low-pass and hi-pass filters...