Any unexplored corners of the viking soul that would be worthy of AA:s attention?

Metal Ambition

New Metal Member
Sep 29, 2008
Are there any unexplored corners of the viking (and human) soul that would be possible, suitable and wise to express with Amon's manly and epic brand of melodic death metal?

Would it for instance be possible with some type of ballad to or a celebration of an ideal woman with all the right virtues in the eyes of a particular viking without turning "emo" and laying waste to the whole musical genre?
I don't think Johan's vocal style would be suitable for a love song. I can only imagine songs about battles, folk lore, mythology, and viking history being sung by Johan.

I'm not saying I'm against it, I'm just saying that it sounds weird to me in my head, but the band could probably pull it off. I would like a song about Vinland though ;).
I'm gonna have to say that if they started writing songs about falling in love and popping out kids (it's a reference to STP's Shangri-La Dee Da). That's my cue to spend my money elsewhere.
I'm gonna have to say that if they started writing songs about falling in love and popping out kids (it's a reference to STP's Shangri-La Dee Da). That's my cue to spend my money elsewhere.

Arent one or two of them daddies already? So far it has not happened yet, but it is not something I can imagine either.

They do sing about love.
The viking way.

Oh ya show me some viking luuuurve...

Actually a song of love, desire or adulation to a woman or why not a female god like freya (perhaps wisely limited to adulation in that case) was just a quick example of possibly numerous unexplored corners of the viking psyche that either would be fit or very unfit for the Amon Amarth treatment. However I have to say that it's of course not obligatory for any band to cover the full emotional spectra or to sing about everything under the rainbow (they have covered the trip across the rainbow brilliantly though) since there are other bands who are collectively doing just that by covering their particular emotional colourful niche (like perhaps simply red :)). A band can specialize in some types of emotions and situations and perfectly satisfy it's particular audience. Venturing outside of many peoples comfort zone might carry the risk of alieniating some fans. However if a band has truly great skills and are true masters of it's style, then I think it becomes pretty intriguing to see what they could pull off, for instance in terms of emotions. I also belive that it would be fruitful with such emotional exploration if they would go for some type of epic movie with oscar (or razzie) winning ambitions.

However I can see the reasonable arguments against and I'm absolutely not complaining, I really don't want to be a pain in the cynic paradise. Free will sacrifice and Embrace of the endless ocean from the latest album could also in fact be said to present new types of emotions or situations.
A love song wouldn't have to be a ballad...if AA write a ballad I'm burning my AA shirts.
They could write about...
They've written everything about vikings possible.