Any use for those hand strenghtening devices?

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
My wrists and fingers begin to tense up after playing for awhile... Im sure this is fucking normal, obviously, just wondering if you guys have used any of those strenghtening devices or had opinions on em. Would like to be able to play longer...

and yeah, I do keep playing all the time... just wondering of these things work:

like these things

I think they're a great way to ruin your fingers and tendons!

You don't need much strength to play guitar, and if your wrists and fingers are ceasing up, maybe look at your technique instead.

I find that when I do a lot of weights for my biceps, my fingers become weaker when I pick up a guitar, so I've stopped doing them.

As they say, the best exercise is practise, practise, practise... (And correct technique of course).
Nah I know my technique is fine so its not that. Im talking about after quite awhile of playing... not 10 minutes or so. Ive seen a lot of companies like planet waves and such have been developing these things for years... not just the one I pictured above. Figure maybe they help stretch or strengthen somethings in your wrists or fingers some. Its not that it requires tons of pressure to fret a string obviously.
There are some finger strength/stretching exercises you can do without an "tools" like that. For example, lay your hand on a table, palm side down, and your hand in a relaxed position (so your palm is a couple inches from the table and your fingers naturally curl in). Now raise one finger up at a time with all of the others down, extend it up and then out. Repeat with each finger. The finger in-between the pinky and middle finger is usually the most difficult for most people. There are a bunch of other exercises but I don't remember them all.
Nah I know my technique is fine so its not that. Im talking about after quite awhile of playing... not 10 minutes or so. Ive seen a lot of companies like planet waves and such have been developing these things for years... not just the one I pictured above. Figure maybe they help stretch or strengthen somethings in your wrists or fingers some. Its not that it requires tons of pressure to fret a string obviously.

Jay this started happening to me back in 01'. GET YOUR ASS TO A HAND SPECIALIST NOW!!!!!!!!!!

It could be the start or Carpel or Radial Tunnel. GO NOW ... get off the fucking PC and GO NOW!!!

The pain and bullshit I deal with on a dialy basis now cause I ignored it for so long is NOT WORTH IT!
Hey Jason, thanks man. Honestly though I know for certain Im not having anything like that. Its not anything severe or any major pains or anything along those lines... just general fatigue after playing for awhile. Same things with my calves after playing drums for awhile or anything else. Just trying to build up a little more endurance thats all. Its not crippling or even painful by any means, but thanks for the concern man.
These toys always seemed like a waste of money and time, playing thick gauge strings can strengthen your muscles too and you're acctualy learning to play guitar at the same time...