Any World Cup soccer fans here?

Whoever outscores the other! :D
(Don't watch it; although I did play in High School (many moons ago)
Why Did he Stop Playing?? Did he get bored with it? Never saw the attraction in soccer....(Go Mets):) Ken when are you leaving to Nearfest?? Whos minding the store....
Why Did he Stop Playing?? Did he get bored with it? Never saw the attraction in soccer....(Go Mets):) Ken when are you leaving to Nearfest?? Whos minding the store....

Once he graduated from High School, he moved on to other interests. Besides, he really screwed up his ankles playing in High School.
We leave Friday morning. Website is 1000% functional. Order away. (Lots of new stuff going up on the site next week)
Then I Will Wait until next week, I have about 10 cds I didnt listen to yet....:kickass::headbang: Except the new Pineapple Thief cd which I think is a fantastic release.....
Massive soccer fan here. The WC is the reason I haven't found time to post anything here actually. 270 minutes of tv a day for me and the girls.

With my Sweden not qualifying this year :(, I have to go for Germany as winners.