Anybody else agree with me on this?


Shadow I am
Sep 23, 2006
Would anyone else in here like to see Elvenking at PP in the future? Personally, I have just discovered them and have fell in love with "The Winter Wake". Definantly planning on checking out some of their earlier stuff.
Great Band...a bit late in the announcing portion to consider them, as they are nowhere near 5th slot caliber. However, I love them and would love to see them as a 2-slot one day.
Great Band...a bit late in the announcing portion to consider them, as they are nowhere near 5th slot caliber. However, I love them and would love to see them as a 2-slot one day.

Yea, I understand its probably too late for this year (unless maybe they played the showcase?) but I was just listening to my Winter Wake cd and thought about how I'd love to see them live.
that would be great. however, they absolutely MUST play UNDER THE TREE OF US'DUM!! they have the song on their 2000 demo, but didn't transfer it/clean it up for their album. yet, thisis by far my favorite elvenking song, and one of their best in my opinion. god damn, thats a good song. yes, they'd be great. this as a headliner? im not too year though, yes.
Absolutely man, Elvenking is amazing. Thier latest album "The Winter Wake" is very, very good. Every song on it is fantastic. I'm kind of dissapointed that they weren't on this years bill actually...showcase maybe?
Just curios here, but how do you guys rank the newest album The Winter Wake compared to the other albums Heathenreel and Wyrd? Personally, I am new to the band and The Winter Wake has just blew me away. I am definantly gonna check out their other albums but I was just wondering how the new one is compared to the older ones. Thanks for any replies.
I rank them in the order of their release. Heathenreel and Wyrd have a very small gap between them, with a slightly larger one for WW, but still pretty awesome.
Just curios here, but how do you guys rank the newest album The Winter Wake compared to the other albums Heathenreel and Wyrd? Personally, I am new to the band and The Winter Wake has just blew me away. I am definantly gonna check out their other albums but I was just wondering how the new one is compared to the older ones. Thanks for any replies.

I personally consider The Winter Wake a small step up from Wyrd with both pretty far behind Heathenreel.