Still holding up the fort (forum) before leaving

Still here, leaving early tomorrow morning to catch RAINTIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Hey Magius & Angrafan!

Nice to hear from you guys.

I'm still packing (at least getting some dvds & literature ready) for entertainment on my flight to and from the show.

I can now finish with my clothing and then laptop.


This will be my first prog. I'm sorry you have to miss this one.
Still here......I will be heading out in the morning......1st progpower here I come..........:rock:
I'm also missing this year :( I should take advantage of the opportunity to save money for next time. Or I'll spend the weekend raiding the local CD shops as a "comfort" activity.
Dude, I had rough time crossing customs and immigration, missed my connection flight but I'm here now, ready for tomorrow!!!!
See you there!
I'm also missing this year :( I should take advantage of the opportunity to save money for next time. Or I'll spend the weekend raiding the local CD shops as a "comfort" activity.

Wait till Monday, then you can raid the local CD shops for any announced bands you aren't acquainted with.
Just got back from the showcase. Freak Kitchen kicked ass. awesome show. Now it is time for bed. I 've been up since 3am. Tomorrow is going to rock. I hope to see everyone there.

Yes they did! They tore that place apart.

What the hell happened with Cellador? They put on a kickass performance but the crowd response was terrible. They were probably my number 2 band of the night, right behind Freak Kitchen.

Krucible was absolutely incredible. I can't wait to hear an album from those guys.
Halcyon Way sounded the best I've ever heard them. A good show.

Cellador was great and had a good crowd response from many. I think a number of people just didn't know what to expect, nor how to respond. Though I kept thinking that maybe its an age issue. I feel that since these guys are younger, and sport a more... alternative look that a number of the metal crowd might not take them completely seriously. The person I was with thought that Cellador got the best reaction of all. Don't know.

I feel bad that Cellador had the technical issues, but they played through them very well. Just great pure powermetal. The Helloween cover was excellent, as well as the Eye of the Tiger cover. The bass solo was quite awesome. These guys all play very well and deserve to be recognized. I'll continue to follow them.

Krucible was great as well. Really liked what I heard. They also did a couple covers, doing Queensryche (and were joined by Chris Salinas [was hoping to hear him back up there for one of the Z-lot-Z songs after knowing he was there but he didn't return]) and Dream Theater's Pull Me Under (perfect cover imo). Their own music was very strong and I'll definitely be picking up the album when it comes out. Its pretty much hard hitting prog in the way of Queensryche and Evergrey in my opinion.

I loved Freak Kitchen of course. One of my favorite bands. Some crazy dudes playing some great music. Very lively, masters of crowd interaction. Can't wait to see what IA pulls off at the all-star jam.
Krucible was great as well. Really liked what I heard. They also did a couple covers, doing Queensryche (and were joined by Chris Salinas [was hoping to hear him back up there for one of the Z-lot-Z songs after knowing he was there but he didn't return]) and Dream Theater's Pull Me Under (perfect cover imo).

I completely forgot about the Pull Me Under cover. That was without a doubt my favorite moment of the night. So good.