Thought About People Leaving Before Nevermore

Harvester said:
You may come up just for Evergrey, but I guarantee you will leave having enjoying the hell out of another band. I'll guarantee it with free tickets for next year if you aren't satisfied.

Glenn H.

Well Pyramaze doesn't count.:grin: :grin:

PC69 - Rocket Ride
Last year went I went to PP(my first PP) I only knew of Stratovarius, Therion, and Angra. The rest of the bands to me were totally unknown, but as the concert approached, I kept listening to the bands that I wasn't familiar with and actually found that they are really good.
Thus, now reaching my point, I trust Glenn in his choice of bands every year, even if i haven't a darn clue to who they are, because now i tell everybody this..if they are at progpower, then they are going to be amazing.

This year, im going to PP with friends of mine that don't like some of the bands on the roster, but i keep telling them, "when you see them live at progpower, on thier top notch performance level, you will definitly like them".
and that, is what is amazing about progpower, quality of the music:rock:
Sumeet said:
This whole topic is totally insane. It's a given that by the end of the last band on both nights of the fest, the audience has thinned out. This has happened every year.

Personally, I think it's pretty lame... I mean, you're there for the music, right... why pussy out when you've already stuck it out for that long. I'm a huge Blind Guardian, and not much of a Pain Of Salvation fan, but I still stuck around for every last note of Pain Of Salvation at ProgPower III, because, hey, why the fuck else am I there, if not to watch the performances? I didn't drive all the fucking way to Atlanta to get an extra half hour of sleep or chug one last beer before the bar closes or get out early so I don't have to wait in line at the sandwich shop that no longer exists!

Anyway, now that I've gotten that out of my system... it should be pretty obvious to anyone that there are people milling about the audience and watching sets of earlier bands that they're not that into, in anticipation of a later band which they really like. But by the time the last act of the night comes on and works their way through the longest set of the night, the audience will have thinned out. Some people who aren't that into the headliner will simply drift away, since there's no one playing after them to wait for anyway. Some people will get offended by the very notion that a band they're not into had the gall to play the fest, and leave before their set even starts. Others hang around for a few songs then just sort of drift away. I am quite certain the attrition rate for Evergrey and Nevermore this year will not be nearly as large as the disappointing exodus that took place for Pain Of Salvation in 2002 or Rage in 2003, but one thing is for sure... the venue is never as crowded by 1:00 AM as it is around 11:00 PM - 12:00 PM.

Sorry to be a Johnny-come-Lately to this thread but I totally 100% agree with everything you said. 2nd night of ProgPower 6, I was on the barrier for 10 solid hours -- didn't move, didn't pee, nothing. As you said very eloquently, "Why the fuck else are you there?!" :rock:
SwordLord said:
2nd night of ProgPower 6, I was on the barrier for 10 solid hours -- didn't move, didn't pee, nothing.
For the record, if I attempted to stay against the barrier for 10 straight hours, I would pee, regardless of whether or not I went to the bathroom to do so.

SwordLord said:
As you said very eloquently, "Why the fuck else are you there?!"
To hang, have fun, chat with cool people, discover good music, and of course to ogle all the hotties on Corsette Night. I've been going since PPII, and I'd say it's rare that I watch more than 5 full performances. Some bands just don't interest me. That said, I almost always give every band a shot to win me over with their live performance.

Theandromedastrain said:
Last year went I went to PP(my first PP) I only knew of Stratovarius, Therion, and Angra. The rest of the bands to me were totally unknown, but as the concert approached, I kept listening to the bands that I wasn't familiar with and actually found that they are really good.
Thus, now reaching my point, I trust Glenn in his choice of bands every year, even if i haven't a darn clue to who they are, because now i tell everybody this..if they are at progpower, then they are going to be amazing.

This year, im going to PP with friends of mine that don't like some of the bands on the roster, but i keep telling them, "when you see them live at progpower, on thier top notch performance level, you will definitly like them".
and that, is what is amazing about progpower, quality of the music:rock:

The problem is...I've heard most of these bands. I don't care for bands in the vain of Mercenary or Nevermore. True, in the last year I've sampled Freak Kitchen and it didn't come accross as something I normally listen to. that being said, I do like Thunderstone. I'm not bashing Glenn or PPUSA. I'm just a little disapointed this year. And there is someone that feels this way every year, and it's easy to get caught up in all this...I'll survive and be back for more. BECAUSE WHEITHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT....IT'S THE BEST THING GOING TODAY!!!!! wHOAH!!!!!!:grin:

Vanden Plas - Christ 0:worship:
Ascension said:
Evergrey definitely fit the prog metal genre. They lean to a darker edge, but still fit.
Nevermore...hmmm...not sure about what genre they fit. Probably just a metal band. They don't come close to prog & don't have enough elements to be power. How about a Judas Priest wannabe band? There you go...they fit that, but with a much lesser talented singer & guitar duo. Even did a Priest cover...which is really the only decent song l've heard them do.

JP wanna be?? Surely you must be joking, and lots of people do Priest covers, priest covers does not a priest wannabe make :)

If Nevermore ain't power metal then PP is Lollapalooza (or however the hell you spell it), sorry Glenn, no insult intended just tryin to make a point.
Creeps said:
JP wanna be?? Surely you must be joking, and lots of people do Priest covers, priest covers does not a priest wannabe make :)

If Nevermore ain't power metal then PP is Lollapalooza (or however the hell you spell it), sorry Glenn, no insult intended just tryin to make a point.

LMNevermoreJPwannabeAO...and that's all l'm gonna say on this subject : X
metamorphosis said:
Well here's hoping that next year we get headliners that actually are power metal or prog metal bands.

If Nevermore isn't Power Metal, what is your definition of Power Metal? Please list some bands that exemplify what you consider Power Metal?

IMO, Nevermore and Iced Earth are the definitive US Power Metal bands. I also draw a distinction between European Power (Gamma Ray, Helloween clones) and other Power Metal bands. All are Power Metal, IMO but just two different subspecies.
Harvester said:
2. The average person that attends my festival is over 30, spends thousands of dollars, and is considered a white collar professional. They travel for hours once a year to truly appreciate the music and do not want to be hit by some young pup that wants to play Mortal Combat on the floor.

And I'd wager a guess that the majority of people who attend this festival's FORUM are between 17-21, smoke weed, and live at home.
Guilty on one count. But it's MY home. :D

General Zod said:
For the record, if I attempted to stay against the barrier for 10 straight hours, I would pee, regardless of whether or not I went to the bathroom to do so.

Important Concert Tip: if you know you're gonna be standing in one place for a long time -- right in front of the stage for an entire evening, or waiting in line for hours and then racing inside to get front and center -- don't eat or drink too much before the show. Your sphincters will thank you. :D

I call this the "Dream Theater At HoB In Chicago" Rule, since we ate before that show, and to our surprise we were right in front of the line and then front-row-center for an excellent show (it was one of the Nightmare Cinema specials). Great vantage, close enough to have our heads nearly taken off by James' mic stand...but after that show we had only one thing on our minds. :)
Pellaz said:
Important Concert Tip: if you know you're gonna be standing in one place for a long time -- right in front of the stage for an entire evening, or waiting in line for hours and then racing inside to get front and center -- don't eat or drink too much before the show. Your sphincters will thank you.
I suffer from a rare, and untreatable condition known as "Hamster Bladder". Even when I don't drink fluids, my body seems to produce enough of them, to overfill my diminutive bladder.

General Zod said:
I suffer from a rare, and untreatable condition known as "Hamster Bladder".

They still don't have a cure, but there *is* a new treatment available... adapted from Antarctic exploration methods.

General Zod said:
I suffer from a rare, and untreatable condition known as "Hamster Bladder". Even when I don't drink fluids, my body seems to produce enough of them, to overfill my diminutive bladder.


LOL - you know me, I suffer from the opposite....... "Camel Bladder". The greatest concert related medical condition known to man. :loco: