Nevermore Cancel ProgPower USA VII Appearance

Dr_Metal said:
From what I have been able to determine, the loss of my car that weekend was due to a conspiracy by that chick in the cab because I would not buy her booze.... That's my story and I'm stickin to it!!!! LOL ;)

LMAO!! That was definitely one of the funniest things that happened that weekend. See what happenes when we end up at Cheethas LOL

We've needed SOME sort of way to identify eachother at PP for a few years now....and while potentially hilarious, going around at random and yelling "Fuck you!" at everyone on the off-chance that their name is Ascension is probably not the best way. :Spin:
Pellaz said:
We've needed SOME sort of way to identify eachother at PP for a few years now....and while potentially hilarious, going around at random and yelling "Fuck you!" at everyone on the off-chance that their name is Ascension is probably not the best way. :Spin:
No, but it could be the most entertaining way.:)
how's about something like this, with the name written in the part w/ the PP logo:

(ignore the white at the bottom)
Shaye, it's like you and Urban we're meant to be together, the new name suits you very well! :p Great job on the name tags, sign me up for one! I'll buy you a drink for making me a nametag!
Kristy Katz kittybeast :grin:
kittybeast said:
Shaye, it's like you and Urban we're meant to be together, the new name suits you very well! :p Great job on the name tags, sign me up for one! I'll buy you a drink for making me a nametag!
Kristy Katz kittybeast :grin:

Hey, this could wind up being a lucrative side biz... :D

I'll make a bunch of 'em and whosoever buyeth me beer shall receive eternal name taggage. (Or whoever asks for one can have one. :))

Shaye almost-breed
Really..... I'm away for two whole days and Shaye already has the design done, with the Amazing Now-You-See-It-Now-You-Don't White Area! :notworthy :notworthy

Excellent! I'll take one fo' sho'. :kickass:

I think it'd be cool if this part of the thread were extracted and stickied, so everyone on the Forum can see it.

("So, Shaye, did you enjoy the bands at ProgPower?"
"What bands? I've had a crowd of people around me all weekend, screaming for their damned nametags!" :D )