Why do drummers feel the need to tap the hihats before a band begins to rock?

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This is the dumbest and most ridiculous thread in the history of the internet. You fail sir. I'll agree here too, you were dead serious with your first post, you only tried to come across as funny when it started to show that your idea was ridiculous and idiotic. The hi-hat at the beginning of Back In Black is a very memorable part of the song to me, as well as many lead ins to songs from Maiden where Nicko uses a hi-hat to get things started. It's called a count, get used to it, it's not going anywhere.
Best hi-hat counts of all time = Burning Times on Alive in Athens

Michael, you are the king of analogies and condradicting yourself. I totally agree with Nick's statement...you backtrack on yourself all the time...and not just in this thread. If you'd like me to quote you, I will. Also, I think your statement about this being humorous and that people are taking it to seriously is just a cover-up for you realizing how stupid you sound. Both of these things, you've done in other threads. As soon as someone disagrees with you, you say "oh...that was supposed to be funny, and not to be taken seriously." Is that the best excuse you can come up with? Also, I find your analogies really annoying...none of them even make sense and you seem to use at least one in every post! Nobody likes a drama queen...Maybe you should go back to your global warming research and see how much you can pull out of your ass on that topic.

Wow. I don't like hi-hat taps. I'm sorry that offends you so much.

Regarding the global warming thing, you just spent three posts bitterly criticizing me for my position on global warming, only to find out that a.) you never read any of my posts about it and b.) my true position was the exact opposite of what you thought. I'm very sorry that you are so embarssed from that incident that you felt the need to dig out a post I made almost a year ago and make a smartass comment about it.

And the guy below you, metalmilitia2000's, comment seems a tad out of place and overblown.

Please grow up. This is harassment on your part. If it continues, I'm going to ask for a moderator's involvement.

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