Meet Up Before January 2003 Gig.

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
heah Vince and the rest of the board crew..

How about arranging a new year meet up before the show next year...

the general idea would be to meet in a the best and easiest to find is The Moon Under Water in Charing Cross Road just down the road from the Astoria Venue...

right what we need is a badge or some other identifying mark to let each of us know who is who.... Vince or anyone else any ideas.

any way if you are interested put your name to this post and we will start getting a get together organised...

Vince any chance of having say the band pop in for a few beers, etc.. how about inviting Nigel along as well for a chat with the fans??? and also Paul Gregory.

righty oh must dash food is on the go..
Kind of a tough one for me Lads and Lass's being that I just can't spring for a ticket to the British Isle's at this moment :lol:

But I will be there in spirit tho so do me a favor and hoist one for me if you would. :cool:

im trying to work round the missus for this one, hopefully my endless grovelling will pay off and I can somehow get down there, I simply must see the eagle before I die. If I do make it down, I can be recognised by my leather jacket (covered in the first album cover painting on the back, see the picture on this very site), hooded Saxon top and Saxon cap. If by chance anyone is travelling near Staffordshire on the way down and could volunteer a lift that would be really welcome, other than that ive got to navigate the train timetables (oh dear!)
Peter Day,

on the previous message-board somebody wrote down 2 dirty jokes. I have forgotten them, bur still they were great. It was about a d
og that was doing something with leggs and the answer was : Take him of and suck his C$#&. Do you remember that one? And there was another about someone who went to the doctor's with something up his ass...(?) Can you remember those jokes. And could you tell them again, so I can tell it to my friends on a party
I love it...
much Thanx for this
hi heavycelli,
well the doctor one was mine, the dog one i think may have been Paxomans! i could be wrong there but i can't remember that one...

bloke goes to see a doctor with a strawberry stuck up his arse.
Doctor takes alook at the guys problem.
' not much i can do about that i'm afraid, i'll give you some cream for it!'

is that the one?
i think thats how it went!!
:D :D

a better one is this one.

a dustman doing his rounds comes acroos a house that hasn't put it's wheelie bin out, being near Christmas he decides to knock on the door to ask if he can collect it.
the door is answered by an old chinese guy.
Wheres your bin mate, ask the dustman.

i bin in toliet, answers chinese guy.

nah nah nah!! mate you miss understand me, wheres your wheelie bin??

i have bin in the toliet i told ya so, answers the chinese guy again a little perplexed.

nah sorry we don't seem to be understanding one another replies the dustman patiently. 'Where is your wheelie bin' he says slowly.

'Oh okay, replies the chinese guy,' i have really bin having a wank'

of course you have to do this in a chinese accent to make it work..

no offense to any chinese supporters out there, it is just a joke.
Yes. Yes.Yes, that were the jokes!

Peter Day and Black Lagoon:" much thanx for the quick response and fantastic jokes. I will use them in future.."

okay it seems that a few of us are up for a bit of a meet.
so here are some details.

we will arrange a Saxon site web meet at the Moon Under Water Pub in Charing cross road, site of the Old Marquee, so has a metalish vibe about it. Time will be anytime after opening time ie 11am i hope.... food is served there and isn't to badly priced so meals can be got.
i guess the general idea is to have a good old chat, get to know one another a bit better, drink, sing, drink some more and so on.....

for those of you unfimiliar on how to find this pub it is dead easy. Get off of the london tubes at Leicester square (Piccadilly line or northern line ) find your way to the entrance that leads you on to Charing Cross road make your way up to Cambridge Circus
(this is the big road system that has Shaftsbury Avenue joining Charing Cross Road and has a Pizza hut on one side and also the big Palace theatre with Les Miserables still playing..can't miss this it is a big sign on the front of the building, loads of tourists taking piccys of it!!)
Now the tricky bit.. with your back to the Les Miserables theatre entrance and facing so that you are looking at the pizza Hut building, turn to the road that leads left and follow it up.
you should be heading towards tottenham court road tube station at this point (ask if you think you are going in the wrong direction but you shouldn't be)..
walk up this road about half way and you should come to the Pub, it is a newish entrance and is not of the old pub stlye, opposite is a book shop called Blackstones i think.
Here will be those that wish to party...

Hope you can all make it.

Of course these plans are provisional just in case there is any other item planned by Vince or the band themselves, like a proper meet and greet like Uriah Heep do at the Astoria. Who knows Vince may be planning a surprise!