Anybody else been asked if the Prog in Prog Power means Prague?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Sometimes I wish Glenn came up with a less cheesy name for his brand than "Prog Power", but I suppose its simple, catchy, descriptive... and definately better than Glennfest or something. A lot of brands sound cheesy when you hear them the first time, but after so long, you get used to it and accept it. Prog Power has been around so long for me, it just rolls off the tounge naturally. I honestly can't think of a better name than Prog Power. There probably was one, but its too late to change it now of course.

Yet when people ask where I'm going, I say a music festival with bands coming in from all around the world called Prog Power. Saying "Prog Power" just gets anyone puzzled looks. They then assume I mean Prague when I say Prog, as if I'm flying to the Czech Republic for a concert festival :)

Most people don't know what progressive rock is, let alone the knickname for progressive/prog. When you explain to your boss, family members, acquaintances, or other outsiders where you're going, how do you normally explain it to them in a brief succinct way? Most aren't interested in a 30 second diatribe on a pair of musical genres they have no interest in, but I'd like them to walk away having some idea where I'm going... :)

The Michael
I haven't had that problem, but I have had people say "FrogPower? What's that?"

Oh, hell. No-one tell Julien/Mynock, please. :lol:

Sometimes I wish Glenn came up with a less cheesy name for his brand than "Prog Power", but I suppose its simple, catchy, descriptive... and definately better than Glennfest or something.

Remember, Glenn did not come up with it; the name originated with Rene' and ProgPower Europe, back in 1999. So, yeah, it's kinda sorta closer to Prague. :)

Yet when people ask where I'm going, I say a music festival with bands coming in from all around the world called Prog Power. Saying "Prog Power" just gets anyone puzzled looks. They then assume I mean Prague when I say Prog, as if I'm flying to the Czech Republic for a concert festival :)

"Why yes, I'm going to Prague for a music festival. Is there a problem?"

Most people don't know what progressive rock is, let alone the knickname for progressive/prog. When you explain to your boss, family members, acquaintances, or other outsiders where you're going, how do you normally explain it to them in a brief succinct way? Most aren't interested in a 30 second diatribe on a pair of musical genres they have no interest in, but I'd like them to walk away having some idea where I'm going... :)

I usually just say it's a festival for power- and progressive metal, and leave it hanging there. Sometimes they'll ask further about the genre (and I'm glad to edumificate them more), and sometimes they drop it.
They then assume I mean Prague when I say Prog, as if I'm flying to the Czech Republic for a concert festival :)

Most people don't know what progressive rock is, let alone the knickname for progressive/prog. The Michael

Hahaha -- interesting! Although I'd wager that there's an embrarrassingly large contingent of folks in this country that have no idea what or where Prague is, let alone prog.... :loco:
Oh, hell. No-one tell Julien/Mynock, please. :lol:

Hell Froggin' Yeah ! :)

More seriously, I do get some odd looks when people ask where that festival is and I answer "Atlanta". "You're flying to the United States for a concert ?!"

I usually reply with "Why not ? You're flying to some tropical island for YOUR vacation." That usually shuts them up ;)
Constantly. Anytime I say ProgPower or "prog rock" or "prog metal." People knowing I'm married to a European tends to reinforce that idea.

And a friend here at work misheard me the first time and so now we call it FrogPower. Talk about seeing someone with a really confused and worried look on her face! :D

Mainly, when I get 'what's that?' I just say it's sort of like Pink Floyd with balls. *shrug* Unless of course on the exceedingly rare occasion they listen to metal at all.
I never got that asked me, and if anything I would assume it'd happen to me because of my accent...

And before Greg and Mike and everyone else replies making fun of it, screw you all!! :lol: :lol:
That's what I say! The people at work just wouldn't understand, even if I did explain to them what it is. Metal fest sums it up!! :lol:

heh, there are two of us at my job who go to ProgPower every year (although one of us isn't making it this year), so everyone at work knows what it is. :)
My mother thought for years that I was saying "PogPower"...


Ha-ha! I'd totally forgotten about that game until you posted the picture. Holy crap! Ha-ha!

I've actually only had the Prauge vs. Prog confusion from my parents, but after 3 years (now almost 4), they just know I'm a metal fan and this is my big festival vacation every year. Other folks - I just really don't bother trying to explain beyond "two-day metal festival in Atlanta," unless they look like they are showing some genuine interest and I think I might be able to convert them. :headbang: