Anybody going to the Trädgårn show on 5/9?

Trevor Marks

gypsy virgin king
Jun 27, 2007
secret south
Just wondering if there were any fans here going to the Trädgårn gig in Gothenburg this Wednesday. I'm currently doing a foreign exchange from America to a smaller Folkhögskola in Mullsjö, so this will be my first experience in Gothenburg. Needless to say, I'm psyched about getting the chance to catch DT in their hometown!

Ironically enough, I'm taking classes with Anders (Jivarp)'s cousin, who will also be going with me to the show. Cheers to anybody who makes it, it would be cool to meet some of you!
Just wondering if there were any fans here going to the Trädgårn gig in Gothenburg this Wednesday. I'm currently doing a foreign exchange from America to a smaller Folkhögskola in Mullsjö, so this will be my first experience in Gothenburg. Needless to say, I'm psyched about getting the chance to catch DT in their hometown!

Ironically enough, I'm taking classes with Anders (Jivarp)'s cousin, who will also be going with me to the show. Cheers to anybody who makes it, it would be cool to meet some of you!

Your situation is one of the luckiest I've ever heard of :cool:
Does Mr. Jivarp's cousin play some instrument?

Obviously I'm waiting for pics and other stuff from the gig!
Your situation is one of the luckiest I've ever heard of :cool:
Does Mr. Jivarp's cousin play some instrument?

Obviously I'm waiting for pics and other stuff from the gig!

Haha, well I wouldn't say lucky...just a series of coincidences. And actually, Anders' cousin, Marie, doesn't play anything that I know of. But luckily for me, I have a couple of talented friends in Borlänge who I'm currently making music with.

Anyway, we'll see what happens tomorrow! cheers
im actually in quite a similar position as you. I am on an exchange program in Uppsala (which fucking RULES here by the way) and will see DT in stockholm on thursday........will indeed kick ass!!
I´m going to the concert in Stockholm, dragging along a couple of friends. If anyone wants to say hi look for a tall guy with shoulder-long brown dreadlocks!
Anyone going to the Västerås gig on friday? It's sold out and I don't have a ticket. Good thing there are quest lists ;)