Anybody gone to a Dimmu show yet this tour?

Here's my (crappy, quickly-written) review of the Kansas City show:

The show was pretty good, but not outstanding. We walked in just as Kataklysm had started playing their first song. They had the shortest set of anyone on the tour, but they were also the best, in my opinion. The songs I remember are Crippled and Broken, Like Angels Weeping, Ambassador of Pain, As I Slither and they closed with In Shadows and Dust. Actually, that may have been all of them. I got to meet the singer, guitar player and bassist after the show, and they were all very cool guys.

I did stand around talking about how much Unearth and Devildriver sucked. That was pretty much inevitable. Unearth had a few decent parts in a couple of songs, but they still make me want to throw up on myself. I saw Devildriver with Opeth a couple years ago...they still suck. They also make me want to throw up on myself. I read an interview (actually in Ruin, which I'm sad about) with the singer where he's talking about what a rock star he is. Give me a fucking break.

Dimmu were (obviously) last. They opened with three songs from Death Cult (Progenies, Vredesbyrd, Cataclysm Children), and then played Kings of the Carnival Creation from P.E.M. Pretty good opening, I'd say. I don't remember much of the rest of their set, because by that point in time, I was pretty good and hammered. They played a couple of songs from Stormblast and I'm sure some from E.D.T. All in all, it was a good set, but we got tired and hungry, so we left during their last song. I sorta forgot to eat dinner before I went, so I was pretty much gone by the time the show was over.

Good show, but I don't think it was worth the $30 I paid to see it. I guess I don't have patience for shows anymore, though I would have stuck it out if Kataklysm had closed.
It almost seemed like Kataklysm played longer than Devildriver here..or maybe it was because I was enjoying their set more.

Dimmu's setlist sounds similar to here. I'd have held "Progenies" until the encore if I were making up their setlist.

Forgot to mention that they would have sold out the Masquerade had they played there.....the Tabernacle staff told me it did a bit over 1,000, which is fairly small for the Tabernacle. The Roxy would have been perfect for it.