Anybody see the new Dimmu Borgir artwork yet??


The Eighth Enocian Key
Anybody see the new Dimmu Borgir artwork yet?? Looks great at first glance but WOW! What a rip off.

Reference the album "Nefilim - Zoon" from 1995 (or so)... same goddamn thing!!

Dimmu art... and the Nefilim art...

I also noticed that they have a Tshirt that says on the back "Peace means you have to reload your guns..." which is a direct RIP OFF of the Coroner song Grin... "Peave means to reload a gun"

Is this something that was done intentional? I mean really... it's so blatent.. I can't stand it when not only is someone blatently unoriginal, but they are simultaneously stealing! This is just funny to me, sorry for venting!

Blah! o_O
to clarify...
I was in a generally bitchy mood when I made this post... what I meant was... do bands do stuff like this as tribute... I have seen it before and always wondered if it was a coy attempt to steal or if it was more of a “complimentary imitation” or what-not… It's a widely known fact that Shagarath (whatever his BM name is) is a big fan of Carl McCoy..