Anybody tried the new Truth samples?


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
sadly when your a guy whos broke and has to deal with freeware, its hard to come across such quality samples as these at no cost. but i was wondering if any of you guys have tried these in your mixes, and if so if you wanted to post something with them. i think they sound so good and would like to hear them in a full mix!

heres a link to those interested:
That Black Beauty snare sounds incredible. Does just the snare pack (the $10 one) come with all the room and OH samples?

i wouldnt know but i assume so.

and that abr cover sounds pretty good with that kit. im listening on headphones, and the cymbals kinda kill it for me, but the shell sounds ace \m/

i admire that its an abr cover as well... favorite band haha.
Well, the clips are processed and the samples aren't (or at least the snare isn't). Here's what it sounds like raw:

The clips on the site sounded fucking awesome, I'll have to toy with them to get there. The clips are much brighter without being loose than I can get the samples with just EQ. However the samples are awesome for rock - Paramore anyone?

They come as a 'dry sample' (close mic + OH), 'room1' (room sample + dry), 'room2' (more room sample, more compressed, quite slatish z4 room). Would've liked separate mics but oh well.
The one coming with the standard mapple kit is heavily compressed. Almost smashed to death... Weird.
Not saying they sound bad. They're pretty cool but they certainly aren't for everyone.

Just made a very quick mapping for kontakt:
24 kick + bb snare + slate hat

Yeah that's what mine sounds like. It's definitely processed, but it doesn't sound like the clips :( And man is that kick boomy or what! Smashed to hell as well.

What do the toms sound like?
Yeah that's what mine sounds like. It's definitely processed, but it doesn't sound like the clips :( And man is that kick boomy or what! Smashed to hell as well.

What do the toms sound like?

No too fond of them. I think they used coated heads or something. But I haven't mapped them yet.
Might be cool for blending though.
Preview samples on their site sound completely different compared to the ones posted by users..Seems like they have more OH or AMB mics bleeding or what, more air. And I guess it was real drummer playing cause cymbals are not included in the pack?

What stereo micing technique is this on OH's?
Preview samples on their site sound completely different compared to the ones posted by users..Seems like they have more OH or AMB mics bleeding or what, more air. And I guess it was real drummer playing cause cymbals are not included in the pack?

I sent an email to them asking what they all did, this was their reply:

For the preview clips, we had a session drummer come in and lay down a few basic beats, and then sound replaced the close mics with the dry samples found in the sample packs.

The samples found in the pack have very little processing written to them... just very light compression to help achieve consistent volume levels. This is intentional... making them very versatile and easy to mix the way you want them.

On the preview clip specifically, the only thing on the trigger track is an Eventide Omnipressor, and a tiny bit of EQ (slight boost around 4k, slight dip around 500hz)... Thus giving it a little brighter tone.

If you're just programming (or even if you just want to experiment), try blending a dry sample with a room 1 or 2 sample. Dry Snare hard 1 with Room 1 Snare hard 2 or any combination like that... That can sound awesome.

Once again, we didn't want to create drum samples that are super outrageous and over processed... we created samples that are for creative engineers that want to develop their own sound.

We want feedback like this. We'll be releasing tons of different snares and kits over the next few months, and getting feedback from customers will help us know what people are really looking for in our samples.

Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thank you!

-Ryan & Geoff-