Anybody who is Anybody.....

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Is going to listen to my radio show at 1pm - 2:30pm est at

i know
alert :D

just listen it will be a kick ass show
Soul of Ice said:
nuts. i think it times out so much if it goes to another country. sorry man.

Geez... damn, and I actually finally remembered it.. Well, I'll survive.. you just do your stuff and let us know if shit happens... :D
Note to reader: I have not been paid to say this.

It's good.. it's friggin awesome.. :) that clip I have heard... I'm "KINDA* pissed now because I can't listen to it live..............
The Yngster said:
I tuned in for the first couple of minutes, but then my computer started going crazy, sounded good though, your a funny guy /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Hey, thanks man. But would you expect anything less from me?