Anyone been to a recent Meet & Greet?


Sep 9, 2005
I recently won a pass to the upcoming Meet & Greet at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver for which Anthrax is opening for Priest. I was just wondering from those that have been to a recent one if there is something on the pass itself that says you're allowed to bring a camera in? Because on my ticket for the concert itself it says "No cameras/recorders" allowed. I figure that if I can't get my camera to the Meet & Greet that'd be pretty fucked up. Or does that just mean video cameras? Thanks.
I am in for Sunday's at The Shop in Flint. But from what I've read, I am not gonna hold my breath.
I went and I brought a fuckin recorder in and got radio promos from scott and charlie with it. I put the fuckin shit in my crotch of my jeans tied around my front button, I probably looked weird as fuck if anyone saw me take it out of my pants. I also hid my camera in my back pants under my shirt, but i didnt need to. They are cool about photos, well i would recommend hiding it if the venue says none til the meet and greet but once in there they dont care.
ontherocks82 said:
I recently won a pass to the upcoming Meet & Greet at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver for which Anthrax is opening for Priest. I was just wondering from those that have been to a recent one if there is something on the pass itself that says you're allowed to bring a camera in? Because on my ticket for the concert itself it says "No cameras/recorders" allowed. I figure that if I can't get my camera to the Meet & Greet that'd be pretty fucked up. Or does that just mean video cameras? Thanks.
You might call the venue and ask about that.