Anyone check out the new raw demo from CRIMSON GLORY 'Garden of Shadows' yet?

This wasn't really clarified in the press release, but this song wasn't written by all members. Jon wrote the guitars and handed it to Todd to see what he would do with it. Afterward, they added Jeff's (awesome) bass. So considering that, its a pretty good first effort from the rookie. :kickass:
This has captured my attention. Looking forward to hearing a finished version.

Funny note on the Tate comparison, I ran into a friend over the weekend that I haven't seen in almost 15 years. He was a big time Ryche fan back in the day. Like everyone else he lost interest around HITNF. Being completely unaware of anything other than what is played on radio today, I played this for him not telling him who it was. His first guess was Queensryche. His comment was that Tate sounded better than he has in quite a while. Scotts drums sounded different and the direction of the music still had him miffed. Then I told him who it was.