Anyone else enjoy drinking and listening to Pearl Jam?


New Metal Member
Aug 18, 2003
First of all, I love Anthrax. The new album rulz and I saw them at Bogarts in Cincy a few weeks ago. So don't flame me if you don't like Pearl Jam.

Regardless, does anyone else here enjoy consuming massive amounts of Natural Light and listening to Pearl Jam? Specifically, a 12 pack of Natural Light and listening to PJ's "YIELD" opus?
umm i dont think so dude,most bands sound alot better when u are drunk and i dont drink 24 hours a day,if u have to drink to enjoy a band its obvious that they suck,whatever bands they happen to be!
Ragamuffin said:
I wish Eddie Vedders parents never met

Vedder is the 2nd biggest bitch in the music industry. Fuck that asshole.
Unfortunately, I have 3 of Pearl Jam's albums. I like their music, but Eddie Vedder is a fucking douche.

(I'm not slamming you, fanch75, I'm slamming Eddie Cocksucker.)
I have all of their albums up to Yeild, which remains my Favorite, but if I am drinking I am not going to listen to pealr Jam, Some Amon Amarth, or Anthrax, Death, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Arch Enemy, CoC, any metal really, and I wouldn't drink Natty Lite, I would drink Jim Beam and pitchers of PBR.
fanch75 said:
First of all, I love Anthrax. The new album rulz and I saw them at Bogarts in Cincy a few weeks ago. So don't flame me if you don't like Pearl Jam.

Regardless, does anyone else here enjoy consuming massive amounts of Natural Light and listening to Pearl Jam? Specifically, a 12 pack of Natural Light and listening to PJ's "YIELD" opus?
i think wishlist is one of the greatest songs to listen to stoned. especially the e-bow solos in the song.
DONT DO IT!!!! While Pearl Jam is alright and alcohol is alright, if you mix the could be deadly!! Kind of like Pop-Rocks and Coke, so beware!!!!
Pearl Jam is my second most favorite band, besides...ehm, you know, and Eddie Vedder is my second most favorite singer besides...ehm, you know. Yield kicks ass, as well as all of their albums, including Riot Act which I have just been listening to. But Yield and Ten are still my faves! Anyway I don't like drinking at home, I'd rather drink in a pub. But when there is Pearl Jam in a jukebox, I sure spend my coins and put it on!