Anyone else going to Talladega?


Sep 21, 2004
Is anybody else making the trek to Alabama on Sunday after Progpower for the NASCAR race? It's going to be an even longer weekend for us.:headbang::erk::ill::headbang:
I wish! That's my favorite long track.

The first time I came to PP, 2002, In flew to Dallas and drove to Atlanta with a friend. We stopped at the track and went thru the museum. Then we got into a little van and had a tour of the track. Holy Shit! those turns are insane! If i remember correctly one was 3 stories high. I stood on top looking down and flipped out. Then when we were in the infield Sterling Marlin was there and he took his car out for a spin around the track a couple of times. Was an awesome day.

Have a great time. :headbang:
Yeah, it's going to be pretty crazy trying to get up early and heading there on Sunday. We went last year for the first time, but it was a week or two after PP. We had a great time and commited to the tickets for this year. Of coarse it falls on the same weekend as PP. At least we will same some gas money. It's going to be a busy 5 days and nights for sure!:kickass: