Anyone else gotten ancestry tests?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
I just got my 23andme results and it's cool to see all the info. I opted not to view Alzheimer's and a couple of other conditions that can somehow affect your ability to get life insurance if you view them?

Of note:

I have the 'elite warrior' gene. Maybe why I can live like a slob and stay fairly fit? It missed on red hair tho saying I'm very unlikely to have, despite having a red beard. Said very unlikely to get 'sun sneezes' but I do.

I did expect higher % British/Irish with my aunt's genealogy tracing so much to Scotland but that's only on my dad's side so the French/German might be more from mom's? Overall results definitely explains why with movies I always root for the northern barbarians fighting Rome! Also, looks like Genghis Khan managed to slip it to one of my eastern European ancestors at some point :p

European 99.8%
Northwestern European 99.0%
British & Irish 66.3%
French & German 14.5%
Scandinavian 3.9%
Broadly Northwestern European 14.3%

Eastern European 0.3%

Southern European 0.3%
Broadly Southern European 0.3%

Broadly European 0.3%

East Asian & Native American 0.2%
East Asian 0.2%
Mongolian 0.2%
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I opted not to view Alzheimer's and a couple of other conditions that can somehow affect your ability to get life insurance if you view them?

They report to insurance agencies? I'm pretty sure insurers aren't doing DNA testing when they conduct policy underwriting..

How much did it cost you to do that? I know that my line is very heavily Irish as my mom's side of the family was traced back to Cork County Ireland to at least 4 or 5 generations. Would like to know if my Dad's side is partially German as he indicates.
They report to insurance agencies? I'm pretty sure insurers aren't doing DNA testing when they conduct policy underwriting..

How much did it cost you to do that? I know that my line is very heavily Irish as my mom's side of the family was traced back to Cork County Ireland to at least 4 or 5 generations. Would like to know if my Dad's side is partially German as he indicates.

$200 to get ancestry + health, but if you just want ancestry I think they have a holiday deal right now for $70.

On the insurance deal I don't believe they directly report to them but if you apply for life insurance and have prior knowledge of a condition it can disqualify you somehow? Only reason I didn't put to have them provide in report it is I saw it recommended on a review website of the service.
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and have prior knowledge of a condition it can disqualify you somehow?

This is true and it's called a material misrepresentation. If you have a condition and don't disclose it then they can cancel your policy. All they would do is send you the amount of the premium you paid back to you and a letter indicating why they canceled the policy.


Your local insurance company employee
There's a bit of a discount for ordering multiple kits at once too. Most of my close family and I did this, which wasn't a big ordeal as there's only like 6 of us. Interesting for potentially getting in touch with 2nd and 3rd(ish) cousins, finding out how Neanderthal I am, and confirming that the married couples aren't closely related, haha.

Nothing too surprising about my ancestry stats as my mother & uncle have done the genealogy thing. 11 of my great great grandparents were English, and 5 were Scottish. So the French/German/Scandinavian DNA segments toured the UK first but remained relatively unchanged:

European 99.7%
Northwestern European 98.2%
- British & Irish 69.0%
- French & German 8.5%
- Scandinavian 6.1%
- Broadly Northwestern European 14.5%
Broadly European 1.5%

Plus < 0.1% showing in a variety of other categories
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I keep meaning to do this, I want my brother and I to then compare results. Father's side has been in North America since the early 1700s so there's a bit of mystery regarding the old country.
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I haven't done it, but a paternal uncle did one recently, and their side of the family was a little more mysterious due to a poor-ass sharecropper side with no history. It was approximately 50% Scots-Irish (known via paternal grandfather), and 25% Irish/25% Scandinavian (which would fit the paternal grandmother side since her dad's name was Scandinavian and her mother was a ginger). We thought there could have been some Hispanic in there since some of them are a bit more swarthy than others, and since my grandmother when young looked kinda Mediterranean to me (dark eyes, dark hair, olive skin).

My mother's side is German, Swiss, and Norwegian and they have a fairly established history. Could still be remnants of other stuff we don't know about, of course.

and i've confirmed (as much as you can really confirm something like that) family tree links all the way back to charlemagne, alfred the great, duncan king of scots (the macbeth one), etc.
How'd you get back that far? Do you Christmas with Alexander Armstrong and David Cameron?

if you manage to tap into a notorious family on just a single line you're in the money basically, there's literature on the majority of them although it can take some digging. it's getting to that stage that's tricky, i'm fortunate that my great great great great grandmother blew it all wide open.
European 99.8%
Northwestern European 99.0%
British & Irish 66.3%
French & German 14.5%
Scandinavian 3.9%
Broadly Northwestern European 14.3%

Always found these stupid, and eugenics doesn't make it look pretty. In any case, if I were to take one of these, I would get one that could properly satisfy my deepest inset European racist proclivities.


I was actually more offended by the French-German conflation. I want birth certificates.

What's "Broadly Northwestern European" anyways?
Always found these stupid, and eugenics doesn't make it look pretty. In any case, if I were to take one of these, I would get one that could properly satisfy my deepest inset European racist proclivities.

It all depends on how you want to look at it! You could use it to prop up a racial superiority stance if that's your cup of tea, or go the route of saying it doesn't matter at all and "we're all just human" which I feel is also misguided. I prefer a view somewhere in the middle in that it matters on a cultural level and it's a good thing to know about, but not to glean any superiority or inferiority from in any way.

As an aside, I posted the results to Facebook too, and my friend Brent messaged me (and after telling me just how incredibly white I was) asking which service I used because he was interested as traditional genealogy has obvious hurdles for black folks in the U.S. since his family had looked into it years back. He's now planning to buy kits for his family for Christmas which is very cool. I'm interested to see his results since mine weren't particularly exciting as it's about what you would expect for someone who looks so stereo-typically Scottish/Irish.

What's "Broadly Northwestern European" anyways?

There are sets of genes that originate to regions of the world that are so broadly shared they can pinpoint it to that overall region, but not a sub-region.
For a dose of reality you also get your direct maternal & paternal lineages (women need a brother, father or grandfather tested to get both). They give you a bit of a picture of the migratory route that those two ancestral lines took out of Africa, and tell you which far-reaching corners of Asia or wherever happen to be dominated by your haplogroup chiggas.
So far the diversity of the posted results is pretty shit. Someone less white should get one of these done.

I'm roughly half british isles half eastern european jew. Not that interested in the finer details, though mildly curious if I'd get any middle eastern % from the jew side.