Anyone else gotten ancestry tests?

Isn't sharing ancestry from basically every corner of Europe as well as non-European ancestry the very definition of diversity? I saw some Asian in the OP's results too. What the fuck?
Pfft. People just want to be somebody with this it’s kind of hilarious. When thinking about it, though, my moms side are suppose to be “good looking” (and yes in quotes because they are a bunch of stuck up assholes) my dads side ain’t too bad. I don’t thank the man for much but his side is extremely smart, have great health, look pretty young and extremely African. Go figure.
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I don't really give a fuck anymore. It's not like I'm going to discover I'm part Swiss and start playing alphorns and eating Swiss cheese.

I have a generally idea of my ancestry though. Irish, Polish, Russian, German, Scottish, and probably Nordic as well. The odd thing is that my dad has dark hair and green eyes. Might be Hungarian descent or something.
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