anyone else having problems with the boards?


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
Its cool inflames are here and all but seems to me that since they put them online im having an oustanding ammount of problems to check or post in the boards...hoping this is a temporal thing only...or maybe im having problems due to the fact im using IE 6...
I talk to TyrantofFlames often, and he said the other day that he can't even sign on! Hopefully things will get fixed, I for one am having no problems with the board. :err:
an In Flames board to?
I'm all to little in here nowdays

and i used to have problems posting and all that to(only at home though), but dont got any problems anymore
You mean problems like taking ages to load and stuff?
well,it happened to me a couple of times next week,but since it got better after a while,I thought it was my stupid connection...

and yes,the in the flames board seems to be a bit ...hmm.... well.... not the coolest place to be....but let's hope that their new board will be better......
anyway,I don't think i'll post there....
there is not much movement anyway maybe due to the fact that it will take a while before everyone registers and puts up their nice crap like avatars and the like...but yea any fan of inflames that its cool with the fact of the new album and likes it MORE than their old stuff its no friend of mine...and the slipknot thing its not helping either
Originally posted by Misanthrope
there is not much movement anyway maybe due to the fact that it will take a while before everyone registers and puts up their nice crap like avatars and the like...but yea any fan of inflames that its cool with the fact of the new album and likes it MORE than their old stuff its no friend of mine...and the slipknot thing its not helping either

slipknot are fucking true metal mate!!! in flames have done the world of good to tour with the masters of metal!!! where would metal be without slipknot!!! huh! well! SLIPKNOT RULZ!!! :rolleyes:
slipknot are fucking true metal mate!!! in flames have done the world of good to tour with the masters of metal!!! where would metal be without slipknot!!! huh! well! SLIPKNOT RULZ!!!


_Transparent_ is now officially: "God of Bad-Taste humor"
Just a little helpful trick if you find accessing these boards difficult. Won't help you access them, but will let you know if it's the web site or your connection:

For non-Windows 2000 users: open up a DOS-prompt (Start > Programs > MS-DOS Prompt). Type in (without the quotes) "ping" and press enter. This sends a small amount of data to the website, which should then respond to you. If you are successful, it will reply 4 times, with messages on weather it was successful or 'timed out' (ie no data was sent). If it doesn't work, try to ping again, but type in some other website (eg Try a couple of different sites. If they respond, the UM boards are down, if they don't, it's probably your connection. It's also good, if you're having problems, so you don't sit around waiting to see if the page loads. Ping should only take a few seconds. If it fails, try again in a few minutes. Beats waiting around for the page to time out.

For W2K users: Start > Run, then type in "cmd" (without the quotes), press enter. Follow the above steps. Does the same thing.

Good trick also when you download stuff, and you aren't sure if the connections gone down.

For non-windows users, I have no idea :lol: Do you guys have DOS? :p

yourdeadgroom, the computer guru (yeah, right.........)

Originally posted by Mikael is God
the in flames board is packed with posers and fucking assholes, and morons too.... theres alot of them.. ihope they dont contaminate this board

I knew this would happen...
more peope = a bigger chance of
getting stupid people in here as well....
I have been waiting for it....

Sometimes I'm not able to reload this
page, it won't connect at all...
Hope it'll get better..... :eek:)