anyone else hear about this testament tour?

neal said:
heard of cynic, mofo? cynic fucks megadeth in the ass dirty-bird style. and megadeth likes it.

Way to miss the point, neal. One band being more technical than another does not eliminate the technicality of Band A. It's like me saying "Weed fucks you up," and you saying "Acid fucks you up more, thus weed does not fuck you up!" That's dumb.

dsm said:
either way, Cynic is more pleasing to the ear

Not to me, they ain't. How did a simple difference of opinion over Megadeth's quality turn into you effectively kicking Matt in the balls? And don't think I missed your backhanded shot at calling me ignorant, either. You're plenty good at dishing shit out, Will, and you do it all the time, but occasionally you seem to have a huge problem with taking a little bit of fuckery.
i only dish shit out when i feel that i am correct, so i back up my opinions, and when they repeatedly get trashed by those that see differently, i tend to get rather pissed off. and the reason i kicked matt in the balls is because he was going to say something about me taking antidepressants. sure, he may not have said it. but the fact he was thinking about posting it to begin with pissed me off, so i returned the favor.
reuben - we have had our musical differences in the past. you know i don't like thrash. i know you're uptight about thrash. let's say fuck it and end it now
how about i just dish this out to suck up...

Nevermore owns em all.... so shut up or i'll squeeze out a cleveland steamer in your mouth... bitchass
i just meant that cynic is more jazzy and intricate and speedy and whatever than megadeth. i wasnt trying to start arguments just saying that if you are going to make a bold statement about megadeth youd better be sure that cynic isnt about 83764856947836 times better at what you claim megadeth is good at.
SUCK. I saw them with Morbid Angel about a month ago. After the thrid song they got boring as shit. Everything sounde the same and their lead singer is a stupid dumbass.
Wolftribe said:
said the stupid dumbass.

He walked on stage and goes " SOMETIMES I JUST WANNA KILL SOMEBODY CAUSE IM THE SICKEST MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WORLD" Exact quote. It was like okay Im small and white In a room full of big Indians and Mexicans theya re gonna rape and kill me.