Anyone else looking forward to the New Jack Reacher movie?

Jan 24, 2016
The New Jack Reacher movie is in production I believe it is based on Never Go Back. Many Jack Reacher fans were complaining about Tom Cruise playing Jack Reacher but I think he did a really good job at it. And to all the naysayers, where are you going to find an actor who is 6 foot 5, 250 pounds?
I have read the entire Jack Reacher series up until the last one because I'm waiting for it to come out on paperback. I like how the fight scene in the parking lot went down pretty exactly as it did in the book.. . I could Hugh Jackman as Jack Reacher. I believe he's a good enough answer to pull it off
They deviated quite a bit from the book. The car chase scene was added. James Barr' s sister plays a pretty big role in the book but she is not even in the movie. Also in the movie, since we see the shooter, it becomes immediately apparent that James Barr is not the shooter. It played out much differently in the book
Having not read the books (nor plan to) I enjoyed it for what it was, and that said, it was much better than I was expecting.

I enjoyed it enough to check out the next one anyways!