Anyone fans of Dethklok/Metalocalypse?

I stopped paying attention after the first season. The fans started to drive me nuts. Are seasons 2-3 any good?

I did LOVE it when I was actively watching, for sure.
hurhur faggots hruhhurrhur ur all faggots

Every faggot thinks he's an exception. ;)

The music is okay, not many songs I would listen to outside of a "This is the Metalocalypse soundtrack" zone personally.

I think what annoys me a little about the show is that it, along with Dragonforce, seems to have thrown metal into the mainstream spotlight and attracted too many people looking for a trend. I understand that other people are allowed to like what I like, but it's just a gut feeling I got.
I find the show annoying, un-funny, and the music to be atrocious. So no, I don't like the show at all.
I think what annoys me a little about the show is that it, along with Dragonforce, seems to have thrown metal into the mainstream spotlight and attracted too many people looking for a trend.

See, this bugs the hell out of me.

I discovered metal through DragonForce, but way, way before they blew up. I like Dethklok because it's funny, despite the fact that melodeath isn't something I would ordinarily listen to. Popularity is frequently independent of quality--of course, quality is subjective anyhow.

I'm not looking to be trendy--if I were trendy, in the US, I'd be squirming around a dance floor to one of those horrible whiny Autotuned T-Pain songs or the latest Lady Gaga hit to be forgotten about in a matter of months. Power metal is the least goddamn trendy thing in the world, why would I associate myself with it if I was looking for a popularity booster? It's not even popular on a metal forum, for chrissake. It's the fastest way to get called a faggot by troo kvlt nuts and a weirdo by people whose don't know any song that hasn't been forcefed to them by bland pop/hip-hop radio.

The other thing is, I like it that more people are discovering guitar solos and double-bass drums. I don't care what their reason is, I'd rather be surrounded by music I can enjoy. I don't know why people are so protective of their secretive metal scene; maybe it's because a lot of metalheads really are misanthropes. I would gladly live in a world where metal was trendy and on the radio all the time. I try to share my music with people who wouldn't ordinarily go looking for it (and try to listen to their artists as well; why not, and only fair).

x < x + metal, in my book. It's about the music, not how awesome you are for being the only one to know about it. And to quote a (in)famous game reviewer: "it's worth remembering that sometimes popular things are popular for a reason: because they're good (or because Will Smith is in it)."
The show had some funny moments (what with referencing the most well known bands in metal like Finntroll, Burzum, Mayhem, etc.), but that was where the hilarity ended. I stopped watching after a good chunk of season two which I found to be extremely boring.

As a band they aren't sub-par, just definitely not something to write home about.
The show had some funny moments (what with referencing the most well known bands in metal like Finntroll, Burzum, Mayhem, etc.), but that was where the hilarity ended. I stopped watching after a good chunk of season two which I found to be extremely boring.

As a band they aren't sub-par, just definitely not something to write home about.

I also found the funniest part to be the band references.
The rest was sorta meh.

I see what you're saying. I am a misanthrope and an elitist (but I love Lady Gaga and trendy shit) and I don't like sharing so that's part of it.

I also think a lot of the reason many people like metal is that they are not overexposed to it and there are lots of bands who haven't been destroyed by producers and record companies looking for some &#65509;&#65284;&#65509;&#65284;&#65509;&#65284;. I think if underground metal were brought above the surface and the whole world loved it, the types of people who like metal now would rebel against it.

I know metal and liking it isn't entirely about being a rebel or being different, but for a lot of people it is a very personal thing that they feel protective of, and thinking about the sub-100 IQ failed abortions that comprise most of the population loving the same things we do is enough to induce vomiting.
It's a parody. :rolleyes:

Show is kinda funny in an absurd violent way. Kinda like Superjail... but Superjail is so much better.
The show is pretty funny, though, the humor is pretty dumb and basic (when there isn't something excessively violent happening) at times.

Their music isn't all that great, for the most part. DethAlbum II was kind of just "DOUBLEBASSDOUBLEBASSDOUBLEBASS", though liked some of the variety on the first album: Hatredcopter is probably my favorite song by them.