Anyone from poland?


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2019
Hello there, gonna be in Warsaw for a week in august. What are some local bands and venues / metal pubs to check out in the area? Any general info on Poland would be great. Black and death metal? Any info would be great as I know little of Poland. Look forward to my stay in your very beautiful country.

A Pole right here. I'm not from Warsaw, but I've been to the city a couple of times. Just send me a PM and we can continue our talk. Make sure to visit Progresja - the best music venue in Warsaw and in the entire country as well. Lots of great underground outfits are based in Warsaw, so you might want to check them out before you check in. Cheers.
By the way, it's a nice opportunity for the rest of the forum to discover some Polish bands that I really enjoy. @CiG @no country for old wainds @The Ozzman @HamburgerBoy @dwellerINTHEdark @TechnicalBarbarity @Serjeant Grumbles and others whose nicks I do not happen to remember anymore.

Sunnata (Warsaw) - stoner/sludge ritual fuckin heavy music

Rosk (Warsaw) - my pals - incredible fuckin music, dont know what it is, incredible black metal parts and lots of ambient and ritual stuff going on here. Make sure to check this out. They are otherworldly live.

Spaceslug (Wrocław) - lead-heavy stoner doom, great live outfit

Doombringer (Kielce) - top notch black/death - one of the hottest things in Polish underground right now

Truchło Strzygi (they hail from some kind of a shithole) - black/thrash - this one you have to know! fucking ace energy with incredible lyrics and guitar riffs that just dont abandon your head.

Ashes (Cracow) - the freshest thing on this list - a fairly mysterious (atmo?)black formation that made a lot of fuss in the scene. Lots of people consider this self-titled album the best black metal release of the year (already) in our country.

Apart from these bands, we of course have Mgła, which is like the most-known extreme Polish band nowadays. And rightly so since they deserve this position.
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A Pole right here. I'm not from Warsaw, but I've been to the city a couple of times. Just send me a PM and we can continue our talk. Make sure to visit Progresja - the best music venue in Warsaw and in the entire country as well. Lots of great underground outfits are based in Warsaw, so you might want to check them out before you check in. Cheers.[/QUO

Thank you! I'll shoot you a PM shortly.