Anyone Going to the Adelaide Show?

$40 :eek: :eek:
My mates are going to the Adelaide gig, one is short, stocky with red hair and a red goatee, one is a tall malaysian fella, the other will probs be wearing a MAYH hoodie. If you see then, say Dv says YOU CUNTS!!!


Not going to Adelaide, but I'll probably be seriously considering it after seeing them in both Sydney and Brisbane.
N.P. Blackwater Park... Can't fucking WAIT!!!!!!!!

I'll be there. Look for a big lanky 6'6" guy, hair just below eye level.

Uni bar is at Adelaide University, which is just off North Terrace. Go down Pulteney Street to North Terrace, go across the road and follow the stairs all the way down. Theres some lawns down the bottom with a big tree in the middle, just before the road next to the river. Looking towards the river theres a biggish building on your left - 6 stories or so. Should be labelled Union Building or something like that. Bottom floor should have the Mayo cafe. Go up to the 5th floor, and theres the Uni Bar. Kickass place to go in breaks when at uni.

See you all there \m/
Opeth just smiled the whole way through.

That bit where everyone chanted OPETH and they did a little bass/drum bit kicks heaps of ass.

Mendez is tiny. And he headbangs so fucking cool.

I didn't get in at first, as I didn't have proper ID. I had been stamped though, so I went away, let my hair down, changes my clothes, and they let me in just by me showing the stamp. Lucky.

Shame I missed Chalice...

But I shaked Mikaels hand. Which was cool.
Soilworker said:
Opeth just smiled the whole way through.

That bit where everyone chanted OPETH and they did a little bass/drum bit kicks heaps of ass.

Mendez is tiny. And he headbangs so fucking cool.

I didn't get in at first, as I didn't have proper ID. I had been stamped though, so I went away, let my hair down, changes my clothes, and they let me in just by me showing the stamp. Lucky.

Shame I missed Chalice...

Were you wearing a soilwork top? I was the medium height blonde guy, short hair..

I was standing near those guys that were standing on the window sill bobbing like they was jews at the wailing wall.. Some hot chick was dancing next to me. I didn't see saph.. But I did see a ridiculous number of hot girls..
I was in an IRON MULLET shirt. Which is now covered in sweat. Not just mine.

The only blonde bloke I remember was wearing a Decepticon shirt. Good shirt...
I would really be interested in seeing photos too if anyone can post them that would be great!!! Its so sad its over now..I wish i went to Adelaide too..i was so tempted to fly there yesterday..wish i planned it ages ago :-(

Kush. - I love your cat signature its awesome!!!
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I was in the centre, just behind the step. I was one of the two huge guys... 6'6". I staked my spot and stayed there until almost midnight, when I was nearly dead from the battering of short guys trying to get through.

I was wearing a grey shirt, jeans, my hair is just below eye level.

Some little 17 yr old was following me around outside. Annoying little dude. When I came out he was sitting there on the steps looking forlorn - I had to laugh!

Love the way Mikael introduced Demon of the Fall: "We're gonna tear the fucking house down! Who knows what we're going to play?" and everyone screamed "DEMON OF THE FALL!"

Soilworker - shame you missed Chalice, they were damn good, and the chicks were definitely nice to look at.