Anyone going to Toledo?

There's a chance my band (The PB Army) will be opening the Toledo show. If you're going (Monday 12-1) let me know via email (or here) -- might try to coordinate some pre- or post-gig shenanigans, and if anyone's coming from out of town, we'd be happy to put you up. We're punk rock like that (and we have some relatively non-smelly couches between the three of us).

Also, we might be stuck doing the dreaded ticket-sales bullshit, so if we do, you can get tix from us with no service charge. Yay!

Anyway, Ohio/Michigan, represent! If this show does well, maybe we can get more metal in this town.

Infernal Keith
(couple songs there to check out, if'n ya want)

InfernalKeith said:
...Ohio/Michigan, represent! If this show does well, maybe we can get more metal in this town.

Next time dude, I went for the Flint show cuz it's on a weekend. Support your local 'Thrax!!!!!