Anyone have any idea

Columbus accidently discovered America while trying to find a route to India, so that reference means Europeans would have developed computers just as well without America. So your first post doesn't proof anything.

That insult was unneccessary and doesn't cast a good light on you. I expect an excuse.
Midnightblueshade said:
Wrong - first relay-based computing machine was built in Germany by Konrad Zuse in the 30s, the first real computer was the British Colossus during the 2nd World War, and the founder of computer science was the Brit Alan Turing. Computers were invented in Europe, and rest assured that Europeans would have developed computer (forum)s as we know them today, even if Columbus had taken the short route to India.
Peyton said:
did any of those people make computers what they are today? no. I didnt say computers were invinted in the US dumbass

Without the Scots, you wouldn't have TV (Monitors), or Phone Lines, so regardless of how well the us made computers, you wouldn't have shit without Scotland.

So, right up ye.
Yup we apologise for Franz Ferdinand...and giving Mel Gibson enough material to make a shit movie.

But without us piss-ups would never have been invented. Nor piss ups that involve baring your hairy arse to random women who pass by - i KNOW your thanking us for that one.