Anyone have any raw JCM800 tracks they would like to share? Line-out or FX send?

"Evil" Aidy

Mörti Viventi
Jul 15, 2007
Stamford, Lincs

Anyone have any raw JCM800 pre-amp tracks they could share? Line-out or FX send? Before hitting the speaker stage? Boosted or not I'm not fussy.

It would be GREATLY appreciated.

I'm aware some of the early JCM800 amps didn't have an effects loop but the later models did. I think the 2205 also had a DI out too. Has anyone used them with impulses?

I'm after some clips of before the sound hits the speaker section so I can look at the EQ curve etc.


I can't seem to find any anywhere.
sorry, no raw tracks here...

but: i own a 2210. thats one with a DI out and FX loop.
so far i had no luck using it with impulses, though. pretty bad signals using either one.
thinking about it, it might even be that the preamp section of these just SOUNDS rather bad, and a lot of the mojo comes from the power section, something you can't capture with impulses.
that would also explain why it does indeed need a lot of volume to sound good...but when it's loud....damn :)
sorry, no raw tracks here...

but: i own a 2210. thats one with a DI out and FX loop.
so far i had no luck using it with impulses, though. pretty bad signals using either one.
thinking about it, it might even be that the preamp section of these just SOUNDS rather bad, and a lot of the mojo comes from the power section, something you can't capture with impulses.
that would also explain why it does indeed need a lot of volume to sound good...but when it's loud....damn :)

Fair comment, each to their own, I'd still love some tracks though!

This thread I found awhile back Kass achieved an excellent tone that sounded like Exodus although that particular link to soundclick is dead now :(