Anyone have any really nice Line 6 patches?

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xClayman -31-

Sep 2, 2009
I searched. Saw a few old threads with people demoin their pod's tone, but the patchs they posted were too old and the link was broken.

Anyone have any good Line 6 patches for recording? (Not live)

I'd really appreciate it.
>_> I heard some good clips of PODs and shit from Joey and Andy and a couple other dudes, just wondering if anyone else had some up to par with those.
Basically, what everyone else is saying is that in the, what, 5+ years since the PodXT has come out, the amount of requests for patches and tips as to how to match "pod tone x" can't even be fathomed, and people are rather sick of it - thus your best bet is searching! (see here for help)
...I did search. I just joined yesterday so I don't really know the ropes yet :(

Thanks for the link btw.

No problem, and totally understandable! We're usually a pretty welcoming bunch to new people on here, but there are certain hot button topics (just be glad you didn't ask what impulses are :loco: )
No problem, and totally understandable! We're usually a pretty welcoming bunch to new people on here, but there are certain hot button topics (just be glad you didn't ask what impulses are :loco: )

I know what impulses are :lol:

At least I didn't ask how do mix drums o_O
i know that on the user generated patch site from line6, i saw at least 2 Sneap patches. i dont know if he personally submitted them or if someone else named them after him because they were trying to match his tone on a particular album or smething. but try the search on that site for sneap and sturgis or an album name that you really dig the tone on.
i know that on the user generated patch site from line6, i saw at least 2 Sneap patches. i dont know if he personally submitted them or if someone else named them after him because they were trying to match his tone on a particular album or smething. but try the search on that site for sneap and sturgis or an album name that you really dig the tone on.

Can't believe I didn't think of that.

BTW: Dandelium: Mark G on UG linked me to your song the Lost Element. That song is sick. Love the intro riff :)
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